
By aram58
  • Period: to

    marat gets killed

    He dead to
  • Period: to

    robspierr is also dead+ he got born

    He lives and got died
  • Period: to

    Danton joins the dead

    he got killed to
  • Period: to

    napolean bonnepart dead + lived

  • the fall of the bastill

    the fall of the bastill
    revalution starts
  • king luis dose kaput

    king luis dose kaput
    He dead
  • Period: to

    terror starts and ends

    we scared
  • Period: to

    carl marx

    marx got a great beard
  • Period: to

    tsar niclas

    Big man on campus. guned down in his manssion basement with his family
  • Period: to


    He live thene die
  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin

    He got that Muuuustasch
  • 1905 Russia

    1905 Russia
    The great revalution of 1905
  • Period: to


    The large war of every one forgetting what they learned in preschool
  • january revalution

    january revalution
    The one month of revalution
  • Period: to

    Illyich lenin

    Dis man creat terror after he born but then he die
  • Period: to

    Russian civil war

    the civil war that was n Russia not the us
  • Bolshavik

    The Bolshavik party takes over
  • my bday

    yay I exist
  • I hade a flower baby

    yay children
  • Period: to


    I forgot the other part of his name. He was stabed with an ice pick in the back of the head
  • I turn 16

    I can drive