Rafael nadal 1240780

Rafa Nadal

  • parents

    His fathers are Ana María Parera and Sebastián
    Nadal Homar.
  • birth

    Nadal was born in Manacor, a town in the Balearic Islands, Spain
  • Young sister

    Young sister
    He has a younger sister, she's called María Isabel Nadal was born three years after Rafa’s birth in 1989. She remained close to her parents though she lived away from the family for some years.
  • first title

    At age 12, Nadal won the Spanish and
    European tennis titles in his age group.
  • One step to the glory

    He debuted like professional in 2001 and In 2003, Nadal reached the Top 50 of the ATP for the first time.
  • Firts title playing with Spain

    Firts title playing with Spain
    1. With only 18 years, he won his first trophy with Spain
  • The most important trophies #2

    The most important trophies  #2
    He has won 5 Copa Davis in total:  (2004, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2019) he won for the first time Roger Federer, world number 1, in the Miami Masters, with a result of 6-3.6-3 in favor of the Spanish.
  • The most important trophies #1

    The most important trophies   #1
    He has won 12 Roland Garros in total:(2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017,
    2018, 2019)
  • The best rivality

    The best rivality
    Nadal and Djokovic are the two best tennis players of history .The two have faced each other 55 times with Djokovic leading 29–26. The first time they met each other was in 2007 in the final of Masters 1000 de Indian Wells.
  • Most serius injury

    Most serius injury
    Nadal falls to Lukas Rosol in the second round of Wimbledon before knowing that he suffers the most serious injury of all suffered to date: rupture of the patellar tendon of the left knee and a hoffitis.
  • Olympic games

    Olympic games
    He has participate in the Rio Olympic
    Games 2016, he getted the fourth place, loosing in semifinals versus 'Del Potro' and also he losed versus a japan tennis player
  • Tragedy for Ndal

    The musician Rafael Nadal, grandfather of the Mallorcan tennis player Rafa Nadal, has died today in Mallorca, sources close to the family have indicated. He was 86 years old and had developed a long-standing musical career with awards and tributes from the institution
  • Marriage

    Nadal’s wife is called Xisca Perelló, they started dating in 2005. Xisca is 31 years
  • Personal dates and curiosities

    Personal dates and curiosities
    His height is 1.86 metres he's 33 years and such as he's on a diet, from time to time he's allowed to eat crackers.
  • Most important trophies #3

    Most important trophies  #3
    He won his first and unic ATP cup in 2020