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Presidents of the Seveneth-day Adventist General Conference

  • John Byington

    John Byington
    John Byington was born in 1798 and raised Methodist. In 1852 after reading a copy of the Review and Herald, he started to keep the Sabbath. James and Ellen White visited him and he then started to hold Sabbath meetings at his home. This went on for three years. He then built the first Seventh-day Adventist church on his property.
  • James Springer White

    James Springer White
    James Springer White was born on August 2, 1821. He was born fifth out of nine children, but he was a sickly child and suffered from many fits and seizures. His eyesight was so bad that he wasnt allowed to attend school. Instead he worked on the family farm. This didnt improve until he was 19. Jsmes was baptized at the age of 16
  • John Nevins Andrews

    John Nevins Andrews
    John Nevins Andrews was born on July 22, 1829. He began to keep the seven day Sabbath in 1845. He was the first official Seventh-day Adventist missionary and he is know for identifying the United States of America as the two-horned beast of Revelation. He died on October 21, 1833 and Andrews University in Michigan, is named after him.
  • James Springer White

    James Springer White
    In 1843, James was ordained as a minister after giving up his career of being a teacher. He was a very powerful speaker and during one winter he converted around 1,000 people. Around this time, he met Ellen G. Harmon and they got married on August, 30 1846. They went on to have four boys.
  • George Ide Butler

    George Ide Butler
    George Ide Butler was born in1834. in 1853 he and his family moved to Iowa. He was converted at the age of 22 and J.N. Andrews baptized him. In June of 1867 he was given his ministerial license and was then ordained in October. He worked as and evangelist to bring unity to the conference. He stood up for Ellen White even though others didnt during the 1860's and 1870's.
  • James Springer White

    James Springer White
    In 1849 he started a paper called "The Present Truth", which is now the "Adventist Review". He later played a major part in the development of Adventist education. He began this role with the formation of Battle Creek College or now known as Andrews University. After struggling for many years from different illnesses, James died on August 6, 1881.
  • George Ide Butler

    George Ide Butler
    Around the 1870's, Butler was very actively trying to raise funds to build Battle Creek College, which is now Andrews University. He also established the Pacific Press. During his second term as president, he often counceled with Ellen White. In 1882, he becamed president of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association.