Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865
Abrahamlicoln was a republican president form 1861-1865 when he was assasinated. During his presidency the US engauged in the Civil war. He is famously known for the emancipation proclamation. -
Andrew Johnson 1865-1869
He took over when Lincoln was assissinated. He was Lincoln's Vice President when he was re-elected for another term for about four years in office. He much like Lincoln thought the country needed reconstruction. He is known for the reconstruction of the US. -
Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877
Before Grant became president he like many other presidents which were a war hero. He was a republican that was re-elected to run a second term giving a total of 8 years in office. As a president he did nothing to severely hurt or even help the U.S. as country. -
James A. Garfield 1881-1881
Before Mr. Garfields presidency he spent nine concecutive terms in the House of Representatives. this republican was the 20th president of the united states. On his way to his almamater College he was assissinated with two gun shots. For his short time in office he was praised upon with high hopes. -
Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893
Benjamin was republican only ran for four years. He followed and proceeded Grover Cleaveland. Harrison was in favor of the merit system which helped him to get elected. The main reason he was not re-elected was the democrats blamed him for waisting the countries surplus money from the tariffs. -
William Mckinley 1897-1901
McKinley was favored more in his first election then the second one in which he was killed. Before he was eleced for his first term he like others served in the civil war.From the lack of knowledge in the time period he did not recieve the help neede at that time which had later led to his death. -
Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
Roosevelt was also in the Civil War which helped to get elected. He was very favored as a president and was re-elected for another 4 years in office. He was republican president that helped the country in many different ways. -
William Taft 1909-1913
In his only term, Taft's domestic agenda emphasized trust-busting, civil service reform, strengthening the Interstate Commerce Commission, improving the performance of the postal service, and passage of the Sixteenth Amendment.Taft sought to further the economic development of nations in Latin America and Asia through "Dollar Diplomacy", and showed masterful decisiveness and restraint in response to revolution in Mexico. -
Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921
Wilson maneuvered through Congress three major pieces of legislation. The first was a lower tariff, the Underwood Act; attached to the measure was a graduated Federal income tax. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act provided the Nation with the more elastic money supply it badly needed. In 1914 antitrust legislation established a Federal Trade Commission to prohibit unfair business practices. -
Calvin Coolidge 1921-1929
As President, Coolidge demonstrated his determination to preserve the old moral and economic precepts amid the material prosperity which many Americans were enjoying. He refused to use Federal economic power to check the growing boom or to ameliorate the depressed condition of agriculture and certain industries. His first message to Congress in December 1923 called for isolation in foreign policy, and for tax cuts, economy, and limited aid to farmers.