
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in his home State Illinios. Lincoln was part of the Republican party and went into office as president in 1861. During his presidency the Civil War toook place and he was comander and chief. Lincoln passed away in 1865 and he also ended his presidency as well.
  • Andrew Johnson

    Andrew Johnson
    Andrew Johnson was born in 1808 in his home State Tennessee. He became president in 1865 in the Republican party. During his presidency he passed the 13th and 14th ammendments. Johnson ended his presidency in 1869. He later passed away in 1875
  • James Garfield

    James Garfield
    In 1831 Predsident Garfield was born in his home State Ohio. He was voted into office in 1881. He was part of the Republican party. He was only in office for less then a year due to his death. He was assasinated by Charles J. Guiteau.
  • Groover Cleveland

    Groover Cleveland
    President Cleveland was born in 1837 in his home State New York. He was voted into office in 1885 with the Democratic Party. He was in office for 4 years and then became president later on in 1893-1897.He later passed away in 1908.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley
    President McKinley was born in 1843 in his home state Ohio. He was voted into presidency in 1897 with the Republican party.During his time in office he declared war on Spain. He was in office for 4 years and dies in 1901.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    President Roosevelt was born in 1858 in his home State New York. He was voted into office in 1901 in the Republican party. He was in office for 8 years. While in office, Roosevelt became a "trust buster" by forcing the great railroad combination in the Northwest to break apart. He later passed away in 1919.
  • William Howard Taft

    William Howard Taft
    President Taft was born in 1857 in his home State Ohio. He was voted into office in 1909 with the Republican party. while in office he passed the 16th ammendment. He was in office for 4 years. Taft passed away in 1930.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    President Wilson was born in 1856 in his home State New Jersey. He was voted into office in 1913 with the Democratic Party. While he was in office WW1 occured along with the 18th ammendment was passed, He was in office for 8 years, and died in 1924.
  • Warren G. Harding

    Warren G. Harding
    President Harding was born in 1865 in his home State Ohio. He was voted in to office in 1921 by the Republican party.He was not one of the most liked presidents due to the number of scandals that his appointees were involved in. He was in office for 2 years and then passed away in 1923.
  • Calvin Coolidge

    Calvin Coolidge
    President Coolidge was bron in 1872 in his home State Massachusetts. He was voted in to office in 1923 with the Republican party. Coolidge presided over a period when taxes and government spending were lowered. He was in office for 7 years and later pased away in 1933.