
  • Sep 10, 1500

    Land Bridge

    Land Bridge
    The most common theory on how natives came to North america.
    It connected Siberia to North america. It was most commonly known as Beringia.
  • Period: Sep 10, 1500 to


  • Sep 11, 1534

    Jacques Cartier 1534 and 1535

    Jacques Cartier 1534 and 1535
    Jacques Cartier was the first explorer to discover the Saint Laurence River and in effect, Canada. His reasons to explore was to find a route to Asia, to find precious materials and to claim land for the King of France He had 3 Expedition to Canada.
    1st voyage: 1534, explores golf of saint Laurence
    2nd voyage: 1535, goes down the saint Laurence river and encounter the people of hochelaga, statakona. Iroquois settlements
    3rd voyage: 1541, tried to settle land but doesn't work out
  • Port Royal

    Port Royal
    The first settlement that Champlain made. It didn't end up working out because of its position. He then went on to make QC city
  • French regime 1608-1760

    French regime 1608-1760
    When France had created and controlled New France. There territory was large but there was not many people there which ultimately was its demise.
  • Samuel de Champlain, Stadacona. Foundation of Quebec

    Samuel de Champlain, Stadacona. Foundation of Quebec
    Samuel de Champlain came in the year 1608 to create a settlement called Stadacona. Stadacona is Where the river narrows". It becomes Quebec
  • Seigneurial System

    Seigneurial System
    The system is used by the french to separate the land of new France. They were always rectangular and had one side towards the water. They were controlled by seigneurs and peasants would live there in exchange for cultivating the land..
  • Company of 100 associates

    Company of 100 associates
    A group of rich merchants that gained monopoly of the fur trade by promising to settle the colony of new France. They didn't end up keeping there promise. They found it unprofitable to bring people into the colony for they only needed a few people to work the fur trade. If they brought people over they would have had to protect them which in itself is unprofitable. Thus the king took back the monopoly and with it the control of new france
  • Trois riviere settlement

    Trois riviere settlement
    Trois riviere was made where St Mauricie river and the St laurence river meet.It was manly used as a fur trading post.
  • Foundation Of Ville Marie

    Foundation Of Ville Marie
    In 1642, they found Ville Marie. It was created to be a center for religion but because of its location it became the biggest trading hub in new france
  • Jean Talon- Intendant

    Jean Talon- Intendant
    Jean talon was sent over by the king to fix problems in New France. He encouraged anybody (except the protestants) in France to come and settle in New France. He raised the population in three day.
    1.He would give Free land to any soldier that wished to stay in new France after they retired.
    2.He had woman come over ( Les filles de roy) to marry the current settlers and start raising the population naturally
    3.Incentives to make babies. If someone had a baby they would get money.
  • British Regime

    British Regime
    The English conquer New France and make it there own colony. They allow any french that want to go back to France to go. They start settling Englishmen almost immediately .
  • Immigration of loyalists

    Immigration of loyalists
    After the war of independence the Americans, The ones that were still loyal to the king either moved back to England or moved to another English colony. Most of them moved to the province of Quebec. The massive migration flow of the loyalists raised the percentage of English from 1% to 10%.
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    He came into power in 1661. He Officially named new France under the kings rule. He sends over Jean Talon to be the intendant and fix a few populations problems in New France.