poetic genius

  • Birth & Childhood

    Birth & Childhood
    He was the first child of the rich parents. His father was a big man in the goverment. This man felt like hitting his children was the necessity, so he did it regularly.
  • Academic Career

    Academic Career
    Even though he was quite intelligent, he didn't want to work hard as a student. After a year of going to the university, he was expelled for displaying radical beliefs.
  • First Marriage

    First Marriage
    Soon after leaving the university, he married a young girl from a poor family, which completely ruined his relationships with his abusive father. They gave birth to a daughter.
  • Second Marriage

    Second Marriage
    After three years of marriage with his first wife, the poet ran away with a more educated woman. Nevertheless, he kept sending the child some money. Soon after the first wife died, reportedly by suicide, he got married to his lover, who later wrote a legendary novel.
  • Far From Home

    Far From Home
    He and his wife left his motherland to never return. They moved to Italy
  • Creative Outbirst

    Creative Outbirst
    During the last years of his life he wrote his best works. He was travelling around Italy with his wife. He didn't have to worry about money, because after his father's death he was getting regular payment.
  • Tragic Death

    Tragic Death
    He drowned during the storm, shortly before his 30th birthday. He was remembered as one of the best poets of romantis age.