Abraham Ortelius
He thought the continents drifted. The evidence was that he noticed the shape of the continents on the sides of the Atlantic Ocean seemed to fit together. The did not agree with his hypothesis and made fun of the theory because it lacked reason and didn't make any sense. -
Arthur Holmes
His hypothesis was the Earth's mantle had convection cells that gave off radioactive heat and that moved the crust. His evidence was that there was energy that gave off radioactive minerals. He was a respected geologist but warned people about his research because he couldn't back it up and it had no specific value until they had accurate scientific evidence. -
Alfred Wegener
Continental Drift; the hypothesis that all continents were once a super-continent called Pangaea. The continents looked like they "fit" together and he found fossil/sediment clues in the other continents. Most scientists disagreed with him because he couldn't explain why Pangaea was even a theory and could not defend it any "proof". -
Harry Hess
His hypothesis was that the seafloor was slowly spreading apart due to tectonic plates. The evidence was that the temperature underneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was warmer than the lower surrounding areas due to magma being right below it. They disagreed with him because he still needed more geological evidence. -
Lawrence Morley
His hypothesis was that the rocks on the ocean floor had the record of direction and intensity of the Earth's magnetic field. He used the ocean's surveys that showed normal nd reverse magnetism. They agreed with his hypothesis because his evidence provided support for todays version of tectonic plates. -
Frederick J. Vine
His hypothesis was that the seafloor spread out from the mid ocean ridge. He "suggested" that if the ocean ridges were where the seafloor was created, then the Earth's magnetic field is reversed. People agreed with his theories because it was later confirmed with other bits of information and details. -
Drummond Hoyle Matthews
He discovered the magnetic stripes on the ridges of the ocean floor, and the sea floor spreading. There were symmetrical patterned stripes on the ocean ridges of the mid ocean. -
Jack Oliver
His hypothesis was that the geophysics of convergent plate boundaries/subduction zones. he deep focus earthquakes along subduction zones in the Pacific Ocean. They agreed with him because he published a paper with research of his hypothesis.