Checkers Speech
Richard Nixon went to a TV studio in Hollywood and sat down to explain to the American people his financial situation that he was being criticized for. He showed people that he wasn't doing anything wrong and that he wouldn't be giving any donations back that he recieved for his political campaign. Nearly half of the population tuned in to the speech. -
Kenney & Nixon Debate
Those who listened to the debate on the radio thought that Nixon had won the debate, but those who watched on television thought that Kennedy won. Kennedy looked more poised, energentic, and confident on stage when he gave his answers. This was a huge change in politics because now politicians had to worry about how they carried themselves and not just what their policies are. -
Walter Cronkite announces the Death of JFK
Normaly reporters do not show emotion on air, they are supposed to be proffessional. With the Death of the President, Walter couldn't hold his emotions back. He started to cry on National television. He went from being a reporter, to showing who he really was, an American. -
Nixons Resigns
After the Watergate scanal President Nixon resigned and gave a fairwell speech. When he left he held his arms in the air making a V for Victory. It was a fitting end to something that effected the Nation for over a year. -
The Olympic Torch
Muhamid Ali carried the Olympic torch in Georgia. It was kept secret to the very end and when he carried he was shaking a bit from his parkinsins disease. The crowd cheered and supported him greatly. -
Election Night
George Bush and Al Gore were in a political race and the winner came down to the state of Florida. It was very contriversial because there was no clear cut winner of the state. -
Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers and not only did National news cast run continuous coverage, but so did local news networks. Coverage went of for days. -
Hurricane Katrina
A devastating Hurricane hit New Orleans and caused massive damage to the city. Reproters were being begged by those in danger for their help to get them to safety.