
  • William Pitt the Elder

    William Pitt the Elder
    He was the Prime Minister of England. Because of this man, the Europeians won battles and wars in England. He was also responsible for helping win the Frentch and Indian War.
  • Marquis Duquesne

    Marquis Duquesne
    He had a plan to build forts. He stopeed after the 34rd, Fort Duquesne. The Frentch destroyed it later on. He was a of course Marquis of England
  • John Forbs

    John Forbs
    After being injured in the battle for the land known as Point State Park he named it Pittsburgh. After the faumos William Pitt, the man John Forbes died soon later. He was a British Genral.
  • Block House

    Block House
    The oldest building in Pittsburgh. Built in 1761 to store goods from Fort Pitt. It became a home for people till it was proved unlivable till it was preserved later on.
  • Fort Pitt

    Fort Pitt
    Lat and largest of the five forts by the British and French. Built to protect the ponecila it stayed till Pittsburgh came to be. It slowly faded away to what we now now as Point State Park
  • Development of Pittsburgh

    Development of Pittsburgh
    To 1802 the development of Pittsburgh began. Streets were built to let horses and carriages be let through. Apartment buildings, a market place, and a court house were also built. Builders started making Pittsburgh into a true city.
  • Fire Department

    Fire Department
    Made and organized in 1794 it started protecting the people in the city. As it grew in size the brigade started competing with Vigilant and Neptune companies (other fire depratemnts) for people. It stayed this way till in 1859 when the department aquired the first steam engine. This lead to faster movement and better service.
  • Pittsburgh Doller Saving Tuition

    Pittsburgh Doller Saving Tuition
    Opening it's doors in 1855 making way for deposits to be made. Made by a architect Issac Hoobs of Philadelphia he made the bulding a piece of art. With the oldest interior to date it stands tall. Waiting for more visitors to walk through.
  • The Pittsburgh Theater

    The Pittsburgh Theater
    Built in 1803 people came to the theater to watch traveling shows and amateur acting in the city. Known back then as The Old Dury, was on Fifth Avenue near Wood Street. The spectacular lights and other things brought fascination to many of people. As so the theater does for us today.
  • The Duel

    The Duel
    In the court house of 1806 two men named Tareleton Bates and Thomas Stewart got into a heated arguement. This escaliated till the men dueld with pistols outside. Thomas Stewart died later after getting shot.
  • Grants Hill

    Grants Hill
    Grants Hill was a bluff that projected from it the whole city of Pittsburgh. Named after British Genral James Grant after losing a scrimish on the hill. Was removed in the early 1900's due to population.
  • Major Ebenezer Denny

    Major Ebenezer Denny
    He was the first mayor of Pittsburgh. Nominated by the sorrounding councils and buisness men he came into power.During this time Pittburgh was named a borough to a city. Which lead to more building and population.
  • Monongahela Wharf

    Monongahela Wharf
    It was a dock on Pittburgh usedd in 1825 on Pittburgh. It was simple and was used to park boats on a grassy hill. Today it is still used to park cars now not boats.
  • Stephen Collins Foster

    Stephen Collins Foster
    Born on this date Stephen Collins Foster he wrote 189 songs in his short, troubled life, many of them beutiful ballads. Many of his songs came from slave songs, blackface minstrel songs, and the African American language he heard working as a cleark on the Cincinnati warf for his brother's steamboat company.
  • Nevile B. Craig

    Nevile B. Craig
    Born in 1787 in the blockhouse he became a publisher for the Pittsburgh Gazette. Under the man named John Skull who was the first man to bring newspaper west of Apalachain mounatins. He also authored the city first published history in 1851.
  • Thomas Mellon

    Thomas Mellon
    Thomas Mellon born in 1813 lived on a Westmore Country farm, and in later years attended Western Univeristy.After marring Sarrah Jane Negly in 1843 and fathering 8 kids he became a judge. After ten years of this he opend tht T. Mellon and Sons Bank on Smithfield. He died on the date Febuary 3, 1908.
  • John Roebling

    John Roebling
    In this year of 1841 John Roebling created the first wire rope on his farm In Saxonburg changing the aquaduct across the Allegheny River. In1845 he created the first cable supension bridge at Smithfield street across the Mongahela. This led to him getting the title America's most prominet bridge builder. Even before a few years later when he made the Brooklyn Bridge.
  • Great Fire

    Great Fire
    From a washerwoman's open fire on what is now the corner of today's Stanwick Street and Boulevard of the Allies caught and spready quickly. OOne_thried of the city was engulfed and nearly 1,000 homes were destryoed. It finnaly burned itself out on the side of Boy'ds Hill now called (the Bluff). Twelve thousand were left homeless but only two people were killed
  • The Mystery

    An antislavery paper published in Pittburgh and edited by Martin R. Delany, a Harvard Medical School graduate. The paper written on Dec 16 1846 argued to have African American soldiers for the Mexican War. A major with the 104th Regiment at Charleston, South Carolina. Delaney was the first Afriican AMerican to serve in the war.
  • George Westinghouse

    George Westinghouse
    Born in 1846 he lived in Central Bridge, New York. After serving in the military for a few years he started inventing. When he became 19 in 1865 he made and got his patent for a rotary steam engine. Later on in 1869, he also made the air brake which stop heavy trains from moving. After inventing many things throughtout his life that revolutionenized the the train industry he died in 1914.
  • Jane Grey Swisshelm

    Jane  Grey Swisshelm
    A Pittsburgh relative that published the Pittsburgh Saturday Visitor. This help fracture however small the parts that pushed out women. This lead to Pennsylvania passing a law that allowed women to own land if they were married.
  • The Rodam Gun

    The Rodam Gun
    Made and finished in 1849. The very large cannon was the largest in the world. Used in most of the Civil War he helped protect ships and break through hauls. Pittsburgh factories also produced other things then cannons. There was warships,armor plate, shells, saddles, harnesses, wagons, gun carriges, caissons, clothing, and a variety of other materials.
  • Steel Industry

    Steel Industry
    The Steel industry has been around for years from all the way back to 1762. In that year George Anschutz made the first iron furnance in Pittsburgh. Next Joseph McClurg created the foundry in 1803.William Kelly later on he made a theory for making steel and, Henry Bessesmer developed the process from that theory later on that year/ Years later thee steel industry hit and Andrew Carnegie created a plant to mast produce steel. These people are waht created the the steel industry in differen't ways
  • David N. White

    David N. White
    Gazette editor he was the very first to call for a Republican Party in Pittsburgh. He also founded the national party, which help organized Pittsburh at its first nation covention. He succeded along later lines.
  • Saint Paul Cathedral

    Saint Paul Cathedral
    Made in 1855 St.Paul Cathedral was at the corner of Grant Street and Fifth Avenue. Site of the now Two Mellon Center. In 1870s Mary Cassatt made a mural for the cathedral all the way in Italy. The cathedral was thought to be brought down in 1877 due to fire.
  • Pittsburgh Railroads

    Pittsburgh Railroads
    Laying out in 1860 for the rapidly expanding railroads of the US. The mills of Pittsburgh worked together to lay the track and the iron industry rose. This lead to more things getting built at a faster rate and more jobs.
  • Maj, Gen. James Scott Negly

    Maj, Gen. James Scott Negly
    The man fought in the civil war and was given command of Pennsylvania's militai. Fighting in the campaigns of Shenandoah and Tennessee he was promoted for heroic service at Murfreesboro a city in Tennessee. After he reatreated with his men at Chickmauga, Gen. S. Rosencrans toke command. After going to court and getting his name cleard, he returned to Pittsburgh to run in Congress four times. H ethen left Pittsburgh for New York and retired from government to become president of a bank.
  • The Pittsburgh Sanitary Comission

    The Pittsburgh Sanitary Comission
    The Commison was made to send aid to the front lines of the war. To raise money for the war they did a fair called the Sanitary Fair. It raised $322,217 to help the war. Tho it might not have been even higher it was worth all the more back then.
  • The Incline

    The Incline
    Made in the year 1877 the incline for around $47,000 hundred dollers. Boarding passengers sense the old days he has been remo
  • Riot Law Triumphant-the Reign of Anarchy in the Smocky City

    Riot Law Triumphant-the Reign of Anarchy in the Smocky City
    Pittsburgh revoltedd and its railworkers rose up to protest against wage cuts and layoffs that were frequent at the time. Many people died do to the milita and police sided with the protesters. The protest finnally ended with 61 people dead and 150 injured for the Philidelphia milita had to be called in.
  • The Smithfield Street Bridge

    The Smithfield Street Bridge
    Designed by Gustav Lindenthal it replaced Roebli's bridge. The bridge seprated carrige and wagon from horse drawn carriges. With a built red rrof on top for decoration stayed till moderrization in 1915. Finnaly is the 1990's the bridge was fully restored back to its original shine.
  • Tennis Girls

    Tennis Girls
    Called that early 1886 for they were in colledge fi=or that fact. They attend colledges all over the U.S. Pittburgh Female Colledge was one of these such schools. They chaged the name in 1890 to Pennsylvania Colledge for Women, and in 1955 again to Chantham College. Finnaly, in 2007 it became Chantam University what it is today.
  • Allegheny County Couthouse and Jail

    Allegheny County Couthouse and Jail
    Built by the builder Henry Hobson a faumos architect the courtouse was a beutiful achievment. Replacing John's Chislett's courthouse that was burned down in 1882 it was one of the most stunning architectural works.
  • The Duquesne Club

    NIcknamed the "Number Six" was a club were upstanding gentlemen. Most members of the club came from the top of Pittsburgh's industry and buisness. The club is in still running to this day.
  • Battle of Homestead

    Battle of Homestead
    A strike of Pittburgh labor workers started by Henry Clay Frick as a lockout at Carnegie Steel's Homstead Works. Locking out the workers and hiring 300 Pinkertons to protect it they came in the cover of darkness. As they arrived they met the steelworkers and there families. As shots rang out 14 died. 11 steelworkers and 4 Pinkerton guards. The barges that the Pickerton were on burned and they surrendered and walk home in disgrace. Do to this however the company hired new workers.
  • Carnegie International

    Carnegie International
    Made by Andrew Carnegie he wanted to make a place were the masses of the people could enjoy art not just the eductated few. This lead to people enjoying art a bit more of wich was what Andrew wanted. The place stil lstand and it is the 2nd oldest eexhibition of international contemporary art.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie was a Scotish born immagrant that came to the U.S in 1846 worked in a cotton factory for his childhood. He then rose to working for the railroads. Finnaly he got the top job as railroad superitendent. From there he put investments into oil and gas. He then headed into steel wich he dominated the industry. After years J.P Morgon bought him out for 480$ million dollers. Leaving the industry Carnegie help people all over the world with his wit.
  • Wabash Terminal

    Wabash Terminal
    Was a triangular terminal that let trains pass through. It got turned into a office building. Finnaly it turned into a skyscraper after the office building got tourn down. It shows how much one thing can change in a spam of years.
  • Luna Park

    Luna Park
    Made on the old Aspinwall estate, on the corner of Craig Street and Baum Boulevard. It attracted up to thousands of people a day for all the amazing things they had like aerial acts, band concerts, and water slides. After a accident tho of a lion escaping killing a women the parks popularity waverd. After a fire in 1909 it was closed.
  • Alvin Theater

    Alvin Theater
    The theater was a beutiful work of art. Having balcony and otherr things of enjoyment many people thought it was one of the best in the country.
  • 1909 Pirates

    1909 Pirates
    Thhe pirates won 110 league games in this year and the world series. Lead by coach Fred Clarke, they were a strong force. The reasons of this were many but with help from John Peter Wagne, and Honus Wagner.
  • National Negro League Pittsburgh

    National Negro League Pittsburgh
    Created by Cumberland W. Posey rounded together a group of Homstead steelworkers to play in the league. They later won 8 of 9 National Negro League titles. Theere most faumos star was Josh Gibson a great home run hitter. Team disbanded in 1950 after series of league switches.
  • Union News Stand

    Union News Stand
    A Union News Stand Stand at the Carnegie Depot. It was able to serve passing people weekly and daily nespapers. It was also capable of giving at foods and tobacco. This is just one of the simpler things they had back then.
  • KDKA's broadcasting towewr

    KDKA's broadcasting towewr
    Located at the corner of Wood Street, and Liberity Avenue it was Pittsburgh's first broadcasting tower. It hosted the first broadcasing unit and 1,000 Pittsburghers were able to listen in on it.
  • Frick Acers

    Frick Acers
    Frick Acers, (located in Oakland) was a gift from the Mellons, it became the University of Pittsburgh new campus. TBeutiful in reason the main focal point was a neo-Gothic skyscraper by Charles Klauder was dubbed the "Cathedral of Learning".
  • Liberty Tubes

    Liberty Tubes
    Opend on this day cutting through Mt.Washington to the South Hills. Costing around 6 million dollers in total the first opening was tremendous while for 9 minutes staight cars passed.
  • Depression villadge of 1930's

    Depression villadge of 1930's
    Sprang up in between Seventeenth and Eleventh Street do to economy and other things. In 1932 however Father Cox's of St. Patrick Church organized 15,000 men to go to Washington to plead for relief from Pres.Herbert Hoover. On returning however Father Cox's declared himself a canidate for president named the "Jobless Party".
  • Electiopn of 1993

    Electiopn of 1993
    Pittsburgh in this year of 1993 have its first Democratic mayor elected. His name was William McNair as called "A born windmill tilter," by the Time magazine. He resigned in 1936 after much deliberation.
  • Frank Victor

    Frank Victor
    A skulpter of the Pittsburgh nature he skuplted around 50 memorials and fountains in western Pennsylvania. Earlier McKeesport's Henrietta Leaver won the Miss America crown, and posed for Frank Viottor in a swimsuit. The resulting picture tho was nude and after a court case inplemented by Leaver the statue stayed.
  • Flood

    Rising above 20 feet to flood the city Pittsburgh has always flooded. Some times you would have to canoe in the city to get around. The total margin has been 112 times sense 2008. Do to control of the rivers however the river does not flood over like it did long ago.
  • Discovery of Profussion

    Discovery of Profussion
    Westinghouse on this date annouced that he would begin a project to start to solve the mysteries of matter. In South Hills the first atom-smasher was built and they were able to split uranium atoms with gamma rays.
  • Shilp Building Center

    Shilp Building Center
    As World Waar II began Pittsburgh yet again became a place where ships were built for the war. Do to the rivers as well many ships passed by Pittsburgh on the way to the war.
  • Peace ;D

    Peace ;D
    On this day World War 2 ended and Americans came home from the war. Around 192,000 men from Allegheny County went off to war around 5,800 gave there lives for it. Among its 4,00 industris Pittsburgh produced $19 billion dollers worth of munitions and war goods. Also around 95 million dollers worth of steel about one third of the nations total.
  • Mayor David L. Lawrence

    Mayor David L. Lawrence
    In his 1st year of getting elected Mayor David L. Lawrence got plauged bu hotel, utility, trolley, and other strikes constantly. Tho getting through it with his won devices the mayor got blamed for the strikes like an other political figure today. Before he retired however he inforced the anti smoke laws that help clean the city.
  • Anti Smoke Laws

    Anti Smoke Laws
    Pittsburgh that was once always in the think of darkness and smoke was lighted. The people of Pittsburgh were less commenly to experience lung disease and better help the communioty. This also help Pittsburgh remake it's beauty after the world wars.
  • William Steinburg

    William Steinburg
    After he left Germany William Steinburg came to the U.s. to continue his passion for music. After he finsihed being a associate conducter of Toscanini's NBC Symphony he became permanet cconducter of Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra's conducter. With his leadership the symbony rose to new heights.
  • Greater Pittsburgh Airport

    Greater Pittsburgh Airport
    This airport came with an observation deck fit to watch flights come in and out. Many families came in and our from all over the world. Fit with a morale compass in the floor and an Alexander Calander it was a historical artwork piece as well.
  • Jason Cardinal Wright

    Jason Cardinal Wright
    A bishop of Pittsburgh from 1959 to 1969 after getting nominated by Pope Paul VI. He was best known for his ecumenicism.
  • Civic Areana

    Civic Areana
    The areana costed around 22.5 million dollers to construct. Mde in a dome shape the full name of the place was Civic Auditorium, but due to people thinking to hard to say went with Areana. The name was adopted. It was desinged by Mitchell and Ritchey.
  • 1960 Word Series

    1960 Word Series
    Winning the world series in 7 Bill Mazeroski scored the game winning home run in the bottom of the ninth. Later on celebrated as the best moment in Pittsburgh history the audience of that game was over 36,000.
  • Rachel Carsonson

    Rachel Carsonson
    Born in the town of Springdale by the Alleghany River. As she gew her mother cared for her and Rachel fosterd a love for nature. She being a writer, scientistt, and ecologist she told the world of her finding of pesticides and other things. After graduating from colledge she became a writer and scientist for 15 years. Writing many books along the way about science. She died in 1964 and her childhood home is a place to study.
  • Riots aftjer Marthin Luther King's death

    Riots aftjer  Marthin Luther King's death
    After Martin Luther King's death many people rioted in the Hill District. Going along there way they destroyed many shops and homes. the costs were said to be around 620.000 thousand dollers in just property damage. There was 926 arrests and the riot settled down in a day.
  • The new East Liberty Pedestrian mall

    The new East Liberty Pedestrian mall
    Opening to operate the flow of people. The place was filled with fountain and pagoda-coverd seating area. The area was coverted to acomidate people by increasing sidewalks and other things.
  • Walt Harper

    Walt Harper
    As a jazz pionist he held bring back the music the city had been lacking. After his club named the Atrtic he opend a new one named Harper's Jazz Blub in One Oxford Centre. Top stars in both those cmae and went as the music just kept on going through.
  • Peter Flaherty

    Peter Flaherty
    Frequently in feuds in other things the mayor of Pittsburgwas a man of contraversity. He aldo was a good mayor avoiding tax increases for five years in office. He retired from office in 1977 from being Pittsburgh's mayor.
  • Heinz Hall of Performing Arts

    Heinz Hall of Performing Arts
    Changed from the name of Lowe's Penn Theatre the place became a new home for the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and other art groups. Coverd in beautiful artwork and other things the place atracted many people to this day.
  • Steve Blass

    Steve Blass
    Pitcher of the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1971. He led them to a world series win vs the Baltimore Orioles. Pitching 2 games and only allowing 2 runs in all.
  • Tropical Storm Agnes Results

    Tropical Storm Agnes Results
    After heavy rain for four days staight the river ceased growing at 35 feet. Around 10 feet above normal flood stage and highest sense 1942. Point State park was coverd and so was many other low lying places. Damage was around 45 million dollers.
  • Roberto Clemente

    Roberto Clemente
    After becoming the 11th Pirate to get 3,000 hits Reberto prepared to go with the aid supplies that he was sending to Puerto Rico. He died in that plane crash aand the Pirates Stadium remembers him with a wall on its own.
  • Fountain Creation

    Fountain Creation
    After the flood of Storm Agnes the fountain was built to be the symbol of Pittsburgh. Spraying around 150 feet straight up it was built at the points top most partt. It still stand today as the symbol of the city.
  • Robert Ferris Prince

    Robert Ferris Prince
    A Pirates broadcaster from 1948 to 1978 he made the broadcasts seem vivid and lively. Nicknaming the players and haveing a good time he always said "We had 'em alllll the way!" even if it wasn't true all the time.
  • 1979 Pirates Baseball

    1979 Pirates Baseball
    Winning the series in a 7 series game. The Pirates showed devotion and all out play in those games. "We are family" said Chuck Tanner coach of the team.
  • Myrun Cope

    Myrun Cope
    After 35 years of service to the Steelers Myrun retired from the Steelers Radio broadcasting. His games were vivid and funny and made alot of people turn off there tv's for him. He died in Feb. 2008 and will be missed
  • Willie Stargel

    Willie Stargel
    Leading home run hitter for many years Stargell retired after 20 years of service and his full career as a Pirate. A seven time all star and a over 450 home runs he was force to be rekoned with. He died in 2001.
  • Herbert Simon

    Herbert Simon
    Professor of Carnegie Mellon University he teached 52 years. Earning advanments in computer science economics. Earning himself a Noble Prize on how people make decisions. He also created the worlds first thinking machine with Allen Newell.
  • Fall of Steel

    Fall of Steel
    After high labor costs and other things the economy started to fall Even after the cuts of many things America declined from steel making. Pittsburgh had to change it's ways.
  • Heinz Field and PNC Park

    Heinz Field and PNC Park
    After many years thee Pirates stadium and Steelers was finnaly torn down. In its place rose two new stadium. THe home of the Steelers Heinz Field and PNC Park for the Pirates. Both stadiums are here today and still host great games with the spirit of Pittsburgh with them.
  • Bronze statues on Mount Washington

    Bronze statues on Mount Washington
    On top of Mount Washington overlooking the city sits Guyasuta, chief of the Senecas, and George Washington. Guyauta was a guide for George Washington but soon they fought of differen't sides. Years later they meet again as George Washington prepares to break the Proclamation of 1763. As the city below them waits for the future.