T05010 9


By jbookr
  • Birth of Picasso

  • Picasso's family moves to Corunna

  • Picasso moves with his family to Barcelona

    He is also admitted into the School of Fine Arts
  • First Exhibitition

    He has his first individual exhibition in Els Quatre Gats in Barcelona.
  • Start of Blue Period

    Picasso lives through the Blue Period, characterized by pessimistic themes and elongated figures
  • Picasso Move to Paris

    The Rose Period begins, influenced by the circus theme.
  • Cubism Emerges

    Picasso starts to paint cubistic paintings in his artwork.
  • Surrealist Movement Starts

    Picasso never took part in the surrealist movement but still was slightly influenced by it.
  • Guernica

    Pablo paints mural inspired by the bombing of this Basque city and for which he completed sixty preparatory sketches. WWII occurs in this time period.
  • Death of His Mother

    Death of his mother, María Picasso López, in Barcelona. He moves to Royan with Dora Maar and Sabartés. He decides not to return to Spain until the Franco regime ends.