Peter Chanel

  • Birth.

    He was born in La Potière, France.
  • Ordination.

    Along with 24 other people he was ordained a priest by Bishop Devie.
  • Joined Society of Mary (Marists)

    The society was just beginning to form when Chanel joined. The organisation focused on missionary work around the world.
  • Professed a Marist

    He was officially professed a marist on this date.
  • Missionary work begins

    He was part of a band of missionaries that left Le Havre in December, heading towards the Pacific Islands.
  • The Canary Islands

    The first stop on their journey. A missionary catches a flu-like virus which later kills him at sea.
  • Valpariaso

    The groups second stopover on their journey into the Pacific Islands. This is where the Picpus Fathers had their base.
  • Gambiar

    His third stop over
  • Tahiti

    His fourth stop
  • Leaving two missionaries at Wallis

    The last stop of his journey before he arrived in Futana, here they leave two missionaries to spread the word of God.
  • Arrived in Futana.

    After several other stop overs he arrived at the island of Futana where he was a missionary and wished to spread the word of God.
  • Death.

    He was killed on Futuna Island which is in the Pacific by Musumusu who was the son-in-law of King Niuliki who had sent him to kill Peter Chanel as he worried that the spread of Christianity would mean he had less power.
  • Beautified.

    He was beautified by Pope Leo XII in Rome
  • Canonised

    He was made a saint in Rome by Pope Pius XII. He's the protomartyr of Oceania