persident project

By HF2028
  • parents

    john adams and abignail smith adams
  • birth

    he was born in braintree, mississippi
  • another run fact

    another run fact
    he studied the law but didn't go to law school
  • education

    started going to school at harvard
  • Religiouis Denomination

    Religiouis Denomination
    he was an unitarian
  • presidents hight

    presidents hight
    my president was only 5'7
  • weight of president

    weight of president
    my president was only 92 kg in punds he weighs 203 pounds
  • jobs or careers

    jobs or careers
    he was a diplomat, attorney
  • he gets married

    he gets married
    he married to Louisa Catherine Adams in 1797
  • kid

    George Washington Adams died at age 26
  • kid 2

    kid 2
    john adams II was born died at 31
  • kid 3

    kid 3
    charles fracis died at age 79
  • kid 4

    kid 4
    louisa catherine Adams died at age 1
  • his biggest accomplishment

    his biggest accomplishment
    he was secretary of state under john menroe
  • other goverment positions

    other goverment positions
    He was a secretary of state under James Monroe
    Senator and representative
    Minister to Netherlands, Prussia, Russia
  • occupation before becomeing the president

    occupation before becomeing the president
    he was a lawyer
  • political party

    political party
    he was deminucan republic
  • republic or fedralalist

    republic or fedralalist
    he was nither other of them
  • fun fact

    fun fact
    he had a pet aligator in the white house
  • teriff rates went down

    teriff rates went down
    where the help in rates of british manyfacture
  • date elected to office

    date elected to office
    they joined office he was 57 at the time
  • nickname of president

    nickname of president
    old man eloquent
  • Erie Canal

    Erie Canal
    Erie canal was the first passage completed was also over 363- miles long A path from lake erie to new york city, also linked the atlantic and trans-atlantic marketplace.
  • what he helped

    what he helped
    he helped the freedom of seas for the people
  • end of presidency

    end of presidency
    out of office
  • how my president was elected

    how my president was elected
    election of 1824, Andrew Jackson won with 99 votes and adams got 84, 150,000 liked andrew jackson had over 40,000 more people then John Quincy Adams. Jackson made a corrupt bargain. Then John Quincy Adams becomes president.
  • after presidency

    after presidency
    abtislavary congressional
  • news worthey events

    news worthey events
    gag rule was abolished
  • death of John Quincy Adams

    death of John Quincy Adams
    he died in the house of representitives of a stroke in the middle of a meeting at 80
  • retirement

    he retired at the house floor u.s. Capital Building in washington D.C.