Paul Poiret Timeline

  • Born

    He was born in Paris
  • Job

    His first employment was with the famous fashion house of Jacques Doucet as a junior assistant
  • New Job

    He was then employed at the 'House of Worth'
  • Left His Job

    He left his job at the 'House of Worth' and opened his own establishment at 5 Rue Auber. This was financed by his mum.
  • Changed the Feminine Form

    His wife Denise became his source of inspiration. He experimented with the empire style design. He also changed the feminine form by not using corsets and layered petticoats. He introduced the 1st modern straight lined dress
  • Published an Album

    He published the 1st of 2 albums of fashion designs
  • Advertisment

    The design by Poiret was in an advertisement for costume Tailleur in the Journal Femina
  • Fashion House

    He had an advertisement for his Fashion House designed by the artist, George Lepape
  • Stopped Designing For a Period

    He did no designing during this year. However, he did create a perfume called 'Sang de France' but it was immediately banned by the authorities
  • Sold The Rights

    This was the year he sold the rights to his business
  • Died

    He died at 65