Paul Feyerbend was born in Vienna, Austria. -
Off to war
Paul was drafted into the German army. He advanced from private soldier all the way up to lieutenant near the end of 1944. Some time later he would lecture to other officers in Officer's School. Near the end of the war he would be shot leaving him temporarily paralyzed. The war ended while he was in a hospital recovering. -
Paul married Edeltrud, his first wife. -
School with Popper
Paul went to the London School of Economics and studied under Karl Popper. Here he was taught Karl that there is no method when doing science, but there are certain guidelines to follow. -
Married again
Paul would get married for the second time, but the relationship didn't last for too long. -
The University of California at Berkeley
Paul begins working full time at the university. Here he would meet Thomas Kuhn and read his latest draft of "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" -
Against Method
The article "Against Method" is published and argues against scientific methods and rules. Paul believed that the only rule that exists in science is anything goes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiNm5Ec-GuE -
Paul dies in Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. In his autobiography at the end he states that what he wants to be remembered for is "not papers, not final declarations, but love". The Autobiography would be published the next year.