
Philosophy of Science Week 5 - Paul Feyerabend

  • Paul Feyerabend was born

    Paul Feyerabend was born
    Paul Feyerabend was born on January 13th, 1924 in Vienna, Austria. Limited, A. (1992, September 4). Paul Feyerabend. Alamy. https://www.alamy.com/paul-feyerabend-image68875506.html
  • Feyerabend is Drafted

    Immediately upon graduating high school in April 1942, Feyerabend is drafted into the German army for World War 2. This period in his life is thought to have had a strong impact in how he viewed life. After the war his stance was to question if not reject what everyone else was doing. He resented his obedient nature towards the Nazi party and how Germany and Austria went along with the war machine.
  • Feyerabend is Injured

    He became an officer in December 1943 where he then served on the North Eastern Front. When the German army started its retreat from the advancing Red Army, Feyerabend was hit by three bullets while directing traffic. One hit him in the spine. He was permanently crippled and frequently experienced severe pain. He spent the rest of the war recovering. Later in life he suffered from depression, perhaps due in part to this and the death of his wife.
  • Feyerabend Earns his PhD in Philosophy

    Feyerabend Earns his PhD in Philosophy
    Feyerabend earns his PhD from the University of Vienna after changing his major from sociology, to physics, then finally settling on philosophy.
  • First Academic Job

    Paul Feyerabend received his first official academic position as an instructor at the University of Bristol where he lectured on the philosophy of science. At one point Feyerabend had met Popper and heeded his teachings, before later going on to condemn them. In this video John Wilkins discusses some of the interaction amongst philosophers.
    John Wilkins - Feyerabend, Wittgenstein & Popper. (2014, August 21). YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xo0LHCoofQ
  • Feyerabend Lectures at Berkeley

    Feyerabend Lectures at Berkeley
    Feyerabend takes an instructor position at University of California Berkeley in 1958, where he continues to teach off and on until October 1989. Throughout Feyerabend's career he creates turmoil by criticizing the scientific norms and methodologies.
    T. (2015, June 29). Sympathy For The Beast: Feyerabend’s Animal Becoming. AGENT SWARM. https://terenceblake.wordpress.com/2012/01/22/sympathy-for-the-beast-feyerabends-animal-becoming/
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    Feyerabend published Against Method in 1975. With this work he coins the term epistemological anarchy. Feyerabend argues that science is an "Anarchic enterprise, not a nomic one."
    Feyerabend, P. (1975). Against Method. Verso.
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    Feyerabend published science in a free society in 1978. Here he continues his mission from Against Method, and argues that expert scientists abuse their authority. Feyerabend claims that such scientists can use their position to obfuscate prejudice and division within a scientific community. Feyerabend, P. (1978). Science in a Free Society. Verso.
  • Farewell to Reason

    Farewell to Reason
    Feyerabend published Farewell to Reason in 1987.This work deals with cultural diversity and cultural change. Feyerabend explains that diversity is beneficial while uniformity reduces progress and quality of life. Feyerabend, P. (1987). Farewell to Reason. Verso.
  • Paul Feyerabend Dies

    Paul Feyerabend Dies
    Paul Feyerabend died February 11th, 1994 in Genolier, Switzerland after battling brain cancer. OpenLibrary.org. (2020, November 18). Killing time (1995 edition). Open Library. https://openlibrary.org/books/OL1119133M/Killing_time