Timeline 2

By kroden
  • Period: to

    Paul Feyerabend

    Paul Feyerabend (Fire-ah-bend) was a philosopher who had published several interesting articles and books, and was known as someone who liked to challenge standard thought and rigidity in science. He also seemingly enjoyed playing Devil's advocate. He studied under Karl Popper and had a position at University of Berkeley, California for 31 years.
  • Against Method

    Against Method
    One of the most significant books from Feyerabend. In AM, Feyerabend argues that throughout history, great scientists seldom follow this method, if at all. He also talks at length about Galileo as an example of this. If Galileo had followed the scientific method, he would probably have never made the breakthroughs he did. Ian Hacking on Feyerabend and Kuhn
  • Science in a Free Society

    Science in a Free Society
    Science in a Free Society is a critique on the scientific community and the general public regarding how science is held in too high regard and shouldn’t be used as an authority by the government, especially in a democracy. This book also addresses the criticism he received in AM.
  • Farewell to Reason

    Farewell to Reason
    Farewell to Reason is another book written by Feyerabend. In it, he uses relativism to argue against science being used as the right answer to everything. He champions cultural diversity and claims that all points of view and ideas should be considered, even if they can be proved wrong.