Paul Farmer's Life mbm

  • Born - 1959

    Born - 1959
    Paul Farmer Jr. was born in North Adams, Massachusetts in 1959. He was the second child of six children. His mother, Ginny, was a farmer's daughter who quit college early to marry. His father, Paul Sr., was a very large man who was an athlete.
  • Moving Time!

    Moving Time!
    In 1966 the Warden moved his growing family south to Birmingham, Alabama
  • Herpetology Club

    Herpetology Club
    Farmer started his own club at school but none of his classmates showed up. His family became his club and he would show them drawings of reptiles and amphibians and explain them.
  • Moving Again

    Moving Again
    The Warden found a job at a public school in Florida in 1971 and they moved into a trailer park
  • Shocked!

    Every time the family pulled into the campground, there was a 50/50 chance that they would get shocked. It made them afraid to do it and move around because if they moved they would have to do it again.
  • First Job

    First Job
    His first job was picking citrus, and while doing that he was exposed to Haitians and Creole.
  • Going to College!

    Going to College!
    Farmer was president of his senior class and received a full scholarship to Duke.
  • Paris here I come

    Paris here I come
    After his first semester, Farmer started getting A's, so he spent two seasons in Paris. By the time he came back, he spoke French fluently.