By 35540
  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The setting is in Klondike, Yukon in Canada during the cold winter in the month of January. Throughout the night traveling to the divide of Cherry Creek and Paul Creek.
  • Exposition:Setting

    “The frost was sixty- degrees below zero, and be had thirty miles of lonely trail to cover, but he did not mind.”
  • Exposition:Characterization

    “[F]or he was strapping young fellow, big- boned and big muscled, with faith in himself, and in the strength of his head and hands.”
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    The rising action begins when Tom Vincent took a break to stop and eat his biscuit. While taking off his gloves, his fingers began to become numb forcing him to put his gloves on again.
  • Rising action

    Rising action
    After a few minutes of sitting, he began to feel like he was becoming numb all over to become warm again he took off running later stopping to continue eating.
  • Climax

    While traveling to get to his destination, he tries crossing a creek with thin areas of ice that cause him to fall through halfway across.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    After falling into the creek with wet socks and it being twenty degree weather, he attempts to build a fire.
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    The weather starting to chill his body he made an attempt to build a fire; however, taking off his gloves he began to feel the chilling power of the weather slowing freeze his hands and feet.
  • Falling Action

    The first attempt fails while the second attempts works only to be put out by a lump of snow that fell from a tree not lasting long.
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    In desperation to get his hands stead to use, he hits them against a tree and lights them on fire to regain circulation in his hands.
  • Falling action

    Falling action
    Once able to feel in his hands he is able to create a fire to save his body from the cruelty weather.
  • Resolution

    The resolution is when Tom Vincent makes it to the camp on Cherry creek divide.