To build a fire


  • Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    The story starts off in the Calumet Camp in the Yukon, then travels up the Cherry Creek River.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Tom Vincent was a big-boned and big-muscled man. He had faith in his ability to master hte ice and in his strength in his head and hands.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Tom Vincent left Calumet Camp before dawn and traveled up Paul Creek.
  • Rising Action

    Tom Vincent stopped to eat lunch around 11 o'clock, then his hands started to freeze and he had to keep moving.
  • Rising Action

    Tom Vincent contiues his journey until he meets the Cherry Creek Divide.
  • Climax

    While walking along the river, Tom Vincent fell through a thin sheet of ice and got his feet and boots completely wet.
  • Falling Action

    Tom Vincent realizes he needs to build a fire to warm himself, so he starts to gather branches.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Tom Vincent's body was freezing so he burned his hand while starting to light the fire.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Tom Vincent was able to find the old abandoned Moose Hunters camp by Paul Creek and start a small fire to warm himself.
  • Resolution

    Tom Vincent then continured to the Cherry Creek Divide where he nursed his feet back to health. He now lives by the precept, "Never travel alone".