Charles Dickens

  • Date of Birth - February 7, 1812.

    Date of Birth - February 7, 1812.
    Charles Dickens was born to parents who were of the higher ranks of the domestic service. His father, John Dickens, was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office, and his mother was Elizabeth Barrow. Charles was born in Landport, present day Portsmouth Early in life his family had difficulties supporting their children.They moves in 1817 to a dockyard on Chatham until 1822. These five years were the best of Charles' childhood.(Priestley)
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The war of 1812 was one of Great Britain versus the United States. This conflict was mostly naval battles, due to British attempt to hinder U.S trade and impressment of sailors. It was Britani's navy and army sailing into America, so British mainland was unharmed for the most part. A significant event in this war, was when Andrew Jackson and his troops defended New Orleans from British forces on land, helping him in his future to becoming President of the U.S.A. (Washington - 1)
  • Napoleon defeated at Waterloo

    Napoleon defeated at Waterloo
    December 18th, 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is defeated in battle at Waterloo, Belgium. The emperor of France after the French Revolution led France to great borders and economics, but he was ambitious. By 1812 he was suffering defeats from attacking Russi, and losing Spain. The decisive battle at Waterloo was his ending. After his defeat, the Congress of Vienna sent him to an island to never come back. His brother replaced him as the leader of France. (Washington - 1)
  • John Dickens arrested for debt.

    John Dickens arrested for debt.
    Still in 1823, John Dickens was arrested and sent to a debtors prison. This was called the Marshalsea. His family joined him. Charles ran errands on his own from inside and outside, on his own in the world and not getting enough nourishment trying to feed himself at twelve. John Dicken's mother died, leaving enough money to stay out of debt and geta house in Somers town. He saw Charles in the window of the blacking warehouse and vowed to never let his son to work there again. (Priestley)
  • The Blacking Warehouse episode

    The Blacking Warehouse episode
    In 1823 Charles Dicken's happiness fell short as his family grew into financial crisis. They left their house in Chatham to a very small one in Camden Town in a large hole of debt with their six children. Charles stopped going to school, too busy now with assisting his parents in anyway he could.A friend of the family presented the idea of sending Charles to the blacking warehouse, where he earns six shillings a week. His parents agreed, so he was sent to the horrid facility to work. (Priestley)
  • Thomas Jefferson dies

    Thomas Jefferson dies
    Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States of America, dies on July 4th, 1826. He was an immense historic figure in American history during their Revolution, and creation of country and government. His ideas and support helped lead America to where it is, and how it survived to this day. July 4th is also Independence day in the United States from great Britain, which Thomas Jefferson heavily influenced. (Washington - 1)
  • Georgia prohibits slave education

    Georgia prohibits slave education
    In 1829, the state of Georgia in the United States allows saves to attain an education. Slaves were not allowed to posses books or anything to read. The Bible even was not accepted for slaves. This restriction of education for slaves was so they could spend more time working than learning, and due to their lack of rights. The movement to free slaves and grant them an education would soon pursue, but not in 1829. ( Washington - 1)
  • Charles works at Doctors' Commons to work as a shorthand

    Charles works at Doctors' Commons to work as a shorthand
    Charles began to work as a shorthand copyist in his early literary carrier. It was here where he discovered his writing potential in the office. He worked on reports for the Morning Chronicle, Evening Chronicle, The Bell's Life in London, and others in 1832. (Priestley)
  • The Pickwick Papers

    The Pickwick Papers
    In 1836, Charles published his first full novel, The Pickwick Papers. This as an automatic hit as it sold thousands of copies before the installment was even complete. There were merchandise and theatrical auditions before it was even complete! The Pickwick Papers were all based around the illustrations of Robert Seymour, and written by Charles Dickens as his first installment. (Priestley - 23)
  • Oliver Twist

    Oliver Twist
    In 1838, Dicken's second novel to be writen was one relating to his life was published. Oliver Twist is about an orphan who starts life in a workhouse and escapes and goes to London, finding a gang of juvenile pickpockets. It's a story relating to Dicken's early life as a child, made to go off and work in a blacking warehouse due to his family's poverty. This is just one of the literary books like Dickens relates his life into. (Sparknotes - 1)
  • A Christmas Carol

    A Christmas Carol
    Charles Dickens published a famous one of his short stories, A Christmas Carol. It was published on December 19th, 1843. This story is about an old cheapskate of a man named Ebeneezer Scrooge, who owns a profitable business, and he hoards money while spending nearly none of it. He meets three spirits that help him become a kinder and no longer a selfish person. This directly relates to Dickens' life, once as a young adult, for money over love, having losing a love to money.(Priestley - 57)
  • David Copperfield

    David Copperfield
    Charles Dickens' 8th novel with 624 pages, David Copperfield published in 1850. This is another book written in thought of his childhood when his parents sent him off to the blacking warehouse. Instead of kinder, or more normal parents, he replaces his father with an evil, cruel man who marries his mother after his death. David's life is filled with his journey through misery in many events worsening his view. David Copperfield is one of Dicken's more larger hits in his career. (Sparknotes - 1)
  • Oregon admitted as a state

    Oregon admitted as a state
    On February 14th,1829, Oregon is officially admitted as a state in the U.S. Prior to this time it was not. It was founded as a refuge for slaves to escape the chains of their masters and the dispute whether they were to be free or not. But officially, this area of land was officially admitted into the Union soon after. (Washington - 1)
  • Time of Death

    Time of Death
    Charles Dickens was fifty-eight when he died on June 9th, 1870. At his dinner table, after many days of pain, he stood up suddenly and said he had to go to London at once. He fell down, and was in a coma for the entire night. He woke up, only to fall back asleep again. He didn't wake up again. At around six in the morning ,he was pronounced dead. (Priestley - 126)
  • Dicken's Last Reading

    Dicken's Last Reading
    Charles Dickens on March 1870 got through to a last reading of his last book, Edwin Drood. At the end of the reading to announce his last book, he says "I vanish now for evermore with a heartfelt, grateful, respectful, and affectionate farewell." This was Dicken's last public speaking before his death. He worked all morning from then on for Edwin Drood's release until June 8th. (Priestley - 125)
  • Mexico becomes a republic

    Mexico becomes a republic
    Following the fall of the Mexican Empire of Agustín de Iturbide, the new Federal Consitution of Mexico was created after the Planning of Casa Mata by a man named Antonio López de Santa Anna. (Washington - 1)