600 BCE
Oedipus was born of King Laius and Jocasta -
599 BCE
Prophecy Led to Banishing
Once Jocasta heard of the prophecy that her child would kill her husband and marry her, she ordered a Shepard to kill Oedipus -
598 BCE
Oedipus Being Taken In
They pinned Oedipus' feet together and sent him with the Shepard. He was then handed to a different Shepard in Corinth who took him to Polybus and Merope which then made him Prince of Corinth. -
597 BCE
Oedipus Leaves Home
When Oedipus heard that he may be adopted, he leaves his home of Corinth. -
596 BCE
Oedipus Hears of Prophecy
Oedipus goes to the Oracle of Delphi and learns of the prophecy that he will murder his father and marry his mother. He decides to permanently leave the city of Corinth, -
595 BCE
Oedipus Kills Lauis
While traveling, Oedipus meets a gang of other travelers which then get in a fight with him and he kills Lauis without knowing who he is. -
594 BCE
Riddle of the Sphinx
Oedipus then makes it to Thebes and solves the riddle of the Sphinx which made the people pronounce him as King. He then marries Jocasta not knowing that it is his mother. -
593 BCE
Plague in Thebes
There is a new plague in Thebes which causes Oedipus, who now has 4 children with his mother, sends Jocasta's brother Creon to the Oracle for information. -
592 BCE
Oracle Gives a New Prophecy
Creon comes back with information of a new prophecy which tells that the plague will stay in Thebes until the murder of Laius is solved and the killer is cursed and driven out. -
591 BCE
Tiresias the Seer
Tiresias is a prophet that accuses Oedipus of being the killer of Laius who Oedipus calls for. Tiresias also says Laius' killer is both father and brother of his own children and son of his own wife. -
590 BCE
Getting Suspicious of the Truth
Jocasta then tells of the killing of her husband Laius when he was attacked and killed while fighting. Oedipus then tells his story of how he was fighting a band of travelers at the same place and killed someone in self defense. They then send someone to find the only survivor of the killing. -
589 BCE
They Hear of Polybus' Death
Corinth sends a message that Polybus has died and they want Oedipus to come back and rule. Jocasta and Oedipus are relieved that the Oedipus did not kill Polybus which leads them to believe the prophecy is wrong. -
588 BCE
Hears of Adoption
Oedipus is told by the Messenger that he does not need to worry about the second part of the prophecy since Merope is not his actual mother. The messenger knows this because he is the Shepard that was given the baby in Corinth. -
587 BCE
Truth Comes Out
The original shepard comes and tells that Jocasta was the mother of the baby and ordered him to be killed because of the prophecy. -
586 BCE
Oedipus Realizes
Once Oedipus realizes that he truly did kill his father and marry his mother, he goes into the palace and sees that Jocasta had hanged herself because of what she had done. Oedipus then blinds himself with the pins from her dress and tells Creon to take care of the kids and becomes King. -
585 BCE
There is News....
Oedipus' daughter Ismene goes to Apollo's Oracle at Delphi and learns that her brother Eteocles overthrew Polynices and is ruling Thebes with Creon, while Polynices is gathering troops for an attack on Thebes. She also learns that Oedipus being buried will be good luck so Creon and Polynices go to get Oedipus so he can die in Thebes. -
584 BCE
Oedipus Gets Help
King Theseus of Athens promises to protect Oedipus from both his sons and Creon. -
583 BCE
Creon Attempts
Creon tries to kidnap Oedipus but fails and kidnaps Ismene and Antigone instead. Theseus is then sent to rescue them. -
582 BCE
Here Comes Polynices
Polynices comes to Oedipus for support but Oedipus asks Theseus to drive him out. Antigone then intervenes which causes Oedipus to curse his sons by saying that they will kill each other. -
581 BCE
Death of Oedipus
Oedipus has come to a realization that his death is approaching and asks Theseus to do a correct burial. Theseus and Oedipus' heirs are the only ones that are to know of where Oedipus is buried in order to keep Athens safe. -
581 BCE
The brothers die
Polynices attacks Thebes and both him and Eteocles die. Creon gives Eteocles a Hero's Burial but says that Polynices should just be eaten by the vultures.