oedipus rex timeline

  • 407 BCE

    the prophecy

    the prophecy
    King Laius and Queen Jocasta were told that there son would kill his father and marry his mother by the Oracle.
  • 407 BCE

    getting rid of Oedipus

    getting rid of Oedipus
    Laius and Jocasta asked a servant to kill oedipus
  • 406 BCE

    the mountain

    the mountain
    The servant left Oedipus on mount Cithaeron to die.
  • 406 BCE

    Oedipus doesn't die

    Oedipus doesn't die
    A shepherd found baby oedipus on the side of the mountain
  • 406 BCE

    Oedipus' new parents

    Oedipus' new parents
    The shepherd takes Oedipus to the king and queen of Corinth (Polybus and Merope) and they adopted him.
  • 404 BCE

    Oedipus' name

    Oedipus' name
    the name oedipus translates to "swollen foot" because when oedipus was found on the mountain his feet were bound together.
  • 389 BCE


    Oedipus hears rumors that King Polybus and Queen Merope aren't his birth parents
  • 388 BCE


    Oedipus visits Apollo's temple and he goes back to Corinth to protect his "parents"
  • 386 BCE

    Oedipus kills Laius

    Oedipus kills Laius
    Oedipus kills his father (king laius) without knowing
  • 385 BCE

    the riddle

    the riddle
    Oedipus solves the riddle of the sphinx and becomes king.
    "What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night?"
  • 383 BCE

    the plague

    the plague
    A massive plague comes over Thebes, the oracle told Creon that the plague will not end until the murder is solved.
  • 382 BCE


    Tiresias questions Oedipus about the murder of Laius. Tiresias also says that the murderer of King Laius is the brother and the father of his own kids and the son of his wife.
  • 380 BCE

    the truth

    the truth
    A messenger tells Oedipus that he should not ponder over the prophecy (that he will marry his mother) because Merope is not his birth mother
  • 379 BCE

    the catastrophe

    the catastrophe
    Oedipus realizes that he did in fact kill his father and marry his mother, he goes back to find Jocasta dead.
  • 378 BCE

    Oedipus' eyes

    Oedipus' eyes
    When Oedipus found Jocasta dead he gouged out his eyes and Creon (Jocasta's brother) became King.