Stars in first flim, Fast Times at Ridgemont HIgh
This was Nick's first film. He starred alongside Sean Penn. The movie was a comedy, and recived fair reviews. He starred as the friend of the main character. -
NIck Changes his name
Nicolas Cage's birth name was Nicolas Coppola. But, he felt it a burden to have the name of the famous director of the Godfather movies. He couldn't live up to it at the time. So, he changed his name to Nicolas Cage, after his favorite comic book star, Luke Cage. -
First Starring Role, in Valley Girl
This was Cage's first starring role. He starred as Randy, a punk who meats a girl. The movie had fair reviews, but not amazing. It got the industry talking about Cage, but not in the greatest way. They were talking about how odd he looked. -
First Successful Flim, Raising Arizona
This is Cage's first successful film. It is a comedy, revolving around a robber, played by Cage, who falls in love with the policewoman who arrestted him. They cannot have children, and cannot adopt. So, they kidnap a kid from Mr. and Mrs. Arizona. The movie was a hit. -
First Son Born
On this date, Cage's first son was born, Weston Coppola Cage. He was born to girlfriend Christina Fulton.