Neil Armstrong was born on august 5th 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio -
he liked to do science experiments -
Neil wanted to be an astronaut when he was 12 -
his parents were not the most wealthy so he lived in a small home -
College years
he went to Cincinnati collage (lived in Cincinnati Ohio) -
Favorite teams
he liked to watch the Cincinnati Reds and Bengals play -
Why did he become a pilot
he became a pilot because you have to become a pilot before you become an astronaut -
Pilot times
Neil became a pilot in 1955 -
Astronaut times
Neil was the first of man kind to take a step on the moon -
Neil was affected very mildly in space -
What did he get
when he went up to the moon he took some moon rocks and he became famous for that -
Why was he shy?
Neil was shy because he was super famous and back then people didn't care if they were famous or not so he got tired of it and stayed home a lot -
Neil died on august 25 2012 in Cincinnati Ohio