Ned Vizzini

  • New life

    Ned Vizzini was born in Brooklyn, New York.
    Famous Authors. Accessed 2 Apr. 2019.
  • Start to a carrer

    Start to a carrer
    At age 15, Ned Vizzini started writing for the New York press. This would later launch him to success. He was able to write about any experience he wanted whether it was family related or school related.Famous Authors. Accessed 2 Apr. 2019.
  • New job

    New job
    His articles started to gain attention from the New York Times and he then started to write for them. Mainly writing articles about teenagers and their struggles. He wrote the article "Teenage Angst? Naaah" which would become his first book.Famous Authors. Accessed 2 Apr. 2019.
  • School

    Vizzini went to Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan. He would later use this and his life at this school to further the basic plots of his books.Famous Authors. Accessed 2 Apr. 2019.
  • College and writing.

    College and writing.
    At age 19, he would enroll in Hunter college. During this time he would write "Teenage Angst? Naaah". An assortment of stories and articles from his high school days. The very first review on amazon was a 1 star review claiming that Ned Vizzini's book was one of the shining examples on why YA and children's books are in a decline.Famous Authors. Accessed 2 Apr. 2019.
  • Be More Chill

    Be More Chill
    In 2002, Ned wrote a short story about a kid named Jermey Heere in the distant future 2010. This would later be published in 2004. The books plot was about a kid who was told that there was a way that he could get out of being a loser if he took this pill known as a SQUIP. This pill is activated and deactivated using different kinds of mountain dew, Green to turn it on and red to turn it off. This pill talks to him via his brain and ends up causing more trouble than solutions.
  • Be More chill Continued.

    Be More chill Continued.
    This book was his big break with almost all positive reviews and even ended up on many top YA books as late as 2018. It would later be made into a musical which has become a cult classic among book nerds and theater nerds alike. Ned would later try and write a follow up to the book.
  • True Stories that aren't so funny.

    True Stories that aren't so funny.
    It's kind of a funny story was only about 20% fiction according to the author and Ned revealed that it's based off his week in the psych ward. After his success with Be more chill, Vizzini was put on a contract that required two more books were to be written after words. This news put him under a lot of stress and he ended up falling into a deep depression that almost led to suicide. He based the book off of his time in the hospital and even kept in contact with those he met at the time.
  • For a book about depression. It's kind of a funny story.

    For a book about depression. It's kind of a funny story.
    His third book amazed critics and readers with the book "It's Kind Of A Funny Story". This is the story of a 16 year old who overworks himself in school to a state of severe clinical depression. The main character tries to commit suicide by jumping off the Brooklyn bridge but instead calls a suicide hotline and admits himself into the psych ward of the hospital. He spends about 2 weeks within the adult wing and meets many interesting characters.
  • Success

    Its kind of a funny story took the world by storm and was even made into a movie in 2010. It won best book for young adults in 2007 and is his most successful book to this day. Critics loved it's mix of humor and not so funny realism and readers loved the realistic main character and relatable problems the character faces.
  • Fantasy

    After his critical success he went somewhat under the radar, writing a fantasy book that was fairly successful. He even wrote for the show teen wolf during the second season. He also went to schools and communities talking to people about mental health.
  • Sad Ends

    Sad Ends
    Although, he openly wrote and talked about his depression, he lost the on going battle in 2013. He committed suicide by jumping off his parents building. His brother said that his depression had been taking a turn for the worst about 3 weeks before the incident. Ned Vizzini will always be in the hearts and minds of readers old and new for his books are ones that will stand the test of time.Today. 20 Dec. 2013,