
By Bossyb
  • Period: 1984 BCE to 1017

    Set Sail

    3500 years ago in 1483bc the Polynesians sailed from south east Asia through the pacific ocean and discovering Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Rarotonga, Tahiti, Easter Island. 1000 years ago in 1017 they discovered New Zealand and South America
  • Period: to

    Able Tasman

    Abel Tasman was the first European to discover New Zealand in 1642 his men were the first European's to have confirmed encounter with Maori. The misunderstanding and fear aroused by to such different worlds coming together soon led to violence. Many of the Europeans thought that New Zealand might exist in the South Pacific
  • Period: to

    Capitan Cook

    500 years after Kupe discovered New Zealand Capitan James Cook set sail for Tahiti after he reached Tahiti there was a Maori Navigator called Tupaia. Tupaia needed help with his fighting and when he saw Capitan Cooks ship he knew he would be able to win so they made a deal. If Tupaia Helped Capitan Cook Navigate he would help him fight. In 1773 Captain Cook went back home but he came back in 1777