By 35741
  • Exposition: setting

    Exposition: setting
    The setting is a day in January on a cold mountain area, and the character is on his way to Cherry Creek Divide to meet some friends.
  • Exposition: characterization

    Exposition: characterization
    Tom Vincent is the character in this story and he is described as big boned and big muscled.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Tom is travelling through the snow.
  • Rising Action

    He starts to get frost bite.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    He travels a little more, and he grows colder and colder.
  • Climax

    The climax is when Tom decides to build a fire
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The beginning of the falling action is when he tries to build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    The fire is not working and he is still growing colder.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Tom intentionally burns his hand in an attempt to be able to start a fire and not get frost bite.
  • Falling Action

    His burnt hand builds a successful fire and he stays by the fire all night so that he can get warm.
  • Falling Action

    He got up and limped towards the Cherry Creek Divide.
  • Resolution

    After a month, he could walk again and even though his hand will always be burnt, he knows he should never travel alone.