
Nat turner

By ~milk~
  • Birth

    Nat turner was born October 2, 1800. He was an African american. he was born and raised in Southampton County, Virginia.
  • seeing "visions"

    seeing "visions"
    Nat Turner believed he had a talent that he could see the future. It is said that he could see visions before he was born. One vision was to end slavery.
  • sold three times

    sold three times
    because Nat was an African-american slave he got sold many times. The owner he was with the longest was Benjamin. He allowed Nat to practice religion and to learn to read and right.
  • Runaway

    Nat Turner ran away from Samuel Turner. After 31 days in hiding in the woods he returned. He received what he believed to be a sign from God.
  • The signs

    The signs
    Nat turner took a solar eclipse that occurred in February 1831 as a signal that the time to rise up had come. He recruited several other slaves to join him in his cause.
  • The rebellion

    The rebellion
    Nat lead a two day rebellion to set the slaves free. It happened in Southampton County, Virginia. About 65 men and woman died during the rebellion.
  • The hiding

    The hiding
    While Nat Turner hid away, white mobs took there revenge on the blacks of Southampton County. Estimates range from approximately 100 to 200 African Americans were killed. Nat Turner was eventually captured on October 20, 1831.
  • death

    Nat turner died November 11, 1831. He was hung because of the rebellion. He was trying to free the slaves.