Courage: Joins the Rashtriya Swayamsavek Sangh Political Party
Narendra Modi had the courage to devote his whole life for the service nation. At a very young age, Modi served tea for the Jawans (indian soldiers) on the border during the brutal Indian-Pakistan War. He had traveled across India with the Jawans. Although it was his only job, since that moment Modi had the courage to step up and decide at that young age that he must devote his life for Indian politics. Many teenagers struggle to find an identity at the age Modi decided the course of his life. -
Committment: Ekta Yatra-National Integration Rally
Since 1974, Modi participated in youth rallies and national rallies to bring Indian unity and patriotism in the citizens. He was too young to acquire a political position in 1974, but in 1991, being an important member of the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party), Modi partipacted in one of the biggest Integration Rally in India. His commitment towards promoting indian integration is impressive as his strived for unity for more than 30 years. Devotion is key for committment. -
Persistant and Realistic: Chief Minister of Gujurat: Handling Serial Bomb Blasts
Serial bomb blasts hit Ahmedabad. With Modi as Chief Minister of Gujarat, he enforced immediate response and handling measures with the authority he has over the police and anti-terrorism squad. With his immediate decision to pull full force, the violence was mitigated. Modi set aside his economical reforms and decided to focus on the anti-terrorism measures in the state. He persistence to reduce terrorist attacks in the area succedeed and reduced the overall crime rate in Gujarat. -
Risk Taker: Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana- Financial Inclusion Program
Jan-Dhan Yojana is a financial inclusion program aiming to make financial services affordable to any citizen. Modi is a risk taker because he launched this new project on the belief that mainly farmers will look towards getting their bank account. He expects around 75 million accounts to be created and hopes to give a jump-start to poor families. It is a risk since it is still in question how these accounts will be managed and its longevity. But, Modi believes that opportunities lead to success. -
Positive and Hope Filled: India's Rocket Reaches Mars
A historic event for India, their space mission entity finally reached Mars after 10 years. Modi has been really positive of moving India from the stagnated nation it is. He has started many campaigns and has also congratulated the operators of the spacecraft. With hope he stated that it is the "shining symbol of what we are capable as a nation". His positive attitude has changed the perception of the citizens on politicians as corrupt ones. He has spurred patriotism through his hope. -
Change Master: Unveils "Make in India" Initiative
Immediately after being Prime Minister, Modi brought the wave of change to India. He immediately started foreign investment projects in India and started various projects related to the environment, space exploration, and economic stability. He also started bank accounts for low-income citizens. Modi has done that many PM in the past have refused to do: change the way poverty and economy is handled. Modi brings his knowledge of economics to the table and brought change to a stagnating nation. -
Big Thinker: As Prime Minister He Launches Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan-Cleanliness Drive
Modi is big thinker as he proposed just last month a challenge to the whole nation: to clean their surroundings. Modi believes in change and thought in large perspective; what if he could turn a drive into a challenge? Therefore, more citizens will put effort into doing so. The drive has initiated and so far a positive outcome, where even Bollywood celebrities have taken part of the challenge. His idealist view helped him create a popular drive that helps the environment.