Dakota is born
Dakota was born premature at 36 weeks and a low birth weight at 4 1/2lbs. Low birth weight is when infants are born below the average weight of newborns and weigh 5 1/2lbs or less (p.94). Dakota had a common condition of a low birth weight infant, called neonatal jaundice. He was cared for at the hospital to treat his body for the yellow-pigmentation produced by the jaundice. I remember thinking the florescent light must have been giving him a headache! (p104). -
Attachment Style
Dakota is in daycare so I can work a full-time job. I’ve noticed a secure attachment pattern that he has developed with me. When I drop him off in the morning, he usually does not want me to leave, and starts crying. It’s hard for me to walk away, but the teachers always tell me that as soon as I’m gone, he calms down. I always feel a little relieved to know that, and he is always excited to see me when I pick him up (p.178) -
New emotions
Dakota has now started developing new, complex, emotions for various events and situations, due to the development of the growing brain. The part of the brain which allows Dakota to show his new emotions (embarrassment, guilt, and shyness) are all created and processed in the limbic system, which is advancement from his primary emotions that were initiated in the cerebral cortex (p.171). -
First day of school
Dakota is now 5 years old and officially started school. He showed some various personality traits, as I watched him adjust to the new atmosphere of children around him. He was shy at first, and as he began to warm up to new friends, Dakota soon joined in with the other boys, playing on the monkey bars. This cooperative type of play gave me a sense of confidence in Dakota’s social developing skills, as took turns doing different acrobatic tricks with the other kids (254). -
Night Terrors
Dakota suddenly started waking up from a deep sleep once a week. When he wakes up, I try to comfort him, but he doesn’t respond. Dakota has been experiencing “night terrors”. Dakota fits in with about 20% of children who have night terrors during the preschool years (p.202). This type of sleep disturbance causes children to awaken with extreme anxiety and fright, which can be difficult to soothe, as children do not remember the dream and therefore cannot describe “what happened” (p.202). -
Head Injury
Dakota was playing on his skateboard and fell off so hard that he hit his head and lost consciousness. A neurologist did some tests and said his injury was to the left hemisphere of the brain and would delay cognitive learning. This half helps coordinate the development of speech, reading, thought, and logic and receives and processes information individually (p.200). Because of these functions, Dakota will re-develop these skills, and some aspects may appear sooner depending on his development. -
New Friendships
Dakota was using the internet for social networking, and a negative comment was made about his clothes. It really upset him, so he called a friend to talk it out. Dakota has reached the 3rd stage of friendship, as his ability to disclose personal information to another reveals that he values loyalty (p.334). His friend gives him advice in which Dakota takes to heart, and the mutual communication is an example of how Dakota has developed emotional connection with another (p. 334). -
First Love
Dakota started dating. I become concerned as I do not want him to rush into something he really is unfamiliar with. The thought that he may be sexually active is worrisome, as well. I don’t believe he is gaining full intimacy in this relationship, but I realize the benefits of dating, so I am mindful of this social development. Dakota is learning different functions of different types of relationships, and dating is another way to help him gain social status and identity (pp.425-426).