Keely's Erikson Timeline

  • Erikson’s First Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust

    Erikson’s First Stage: Trust vs. Mistrust
    John (age 6 months) always has a parent there to comfort him with love and affection. He had just woken and was very hungry; he started crying and his parents rushed in to help get him ready. In Erikson’s first stage, when an infant feels that he is in a safe and loving surrounding, he will grow up to feel confident in his future relationships. If he is ignored and left alone, he will grow to find it difficult to trust enough to start a relationship with others.
  • In Erikson’s Second Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    In Erikson’s Second Stage: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    John (age 2) has many toys to help stimulate his thought process. His parents guide him but ultimately let him decide (within reason) what he would like to do. He loves to play with different blocks and his parents strongly encourage his creativity. In Erikson's 2nd stage, it is important for a child to start to decide things for themselves. If they are constantly told what to do and forced to like what his parents like then they will not be able to move forward with the confidence on their own.
  • Erikson’s Sixth Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Erikson’s Sixth Stage: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    John (age 28) has been happily married to Jessica for about 2 years now. They are ready to start a family. Jessica is now 1 month pregnant with their first child and they are both very happy.
    In Erikson's 6th stage, when a young adult grows up confident in his life and in the relationships he has grown with others, he will be confident when he chooses his partner in life. If he grows up to feel like he cannot trust, he will fail to have faith to find someone he spend the rest of his life with.