Sam comes home
Sam Meeker comes back home wearinhg his proud uniform and tells his parents that he has desided to join the war and fight for the Rebles against the British army. He explains how he dropped out of Yale and how they had just beaten the British in Boston. But his father greatly disapproves because of how strong a Tory he is.They have a large argument that doesn't change either of there opions including Sam's about joining the rebellion. -
Brown Bess
Sam told Tim the night before that the reason he came back home was to get the Brown Bess and that he would do it in the morning (today). In order for Sam to be in the militia he needed something to fight with, via gun, via Brown Bess. So early in the morning he went down stairs and yet again started to fight with father about leaving for Wethersfield and taking the gun with him. Sam ended up taking the Brown Bess and leaving his father crying at the table. -
Seeing Sam
When Tim goes to church that morning Tom Warrups came up to him and secretly noted that Sam was staying at his place. So after church Tim lies to his father and sneeks away to see him. There he agrues about taking Brown Bess and going to war but also notices that him and Betsy Read are holding hands and are now dating. He left crying and disapointed in Sams decisions. -
Sam is Back Part 2
Months prior to this Betsy had told Tim that Sam would be coming back but she didn't stay when. She just wante to make him promise that he wouldn't say anything to anyone if she told him. And Tim did agree, but had to wait months of hopeless nights wondering when this day would be. Then one day Betsy came into the tavern acting extremly strange and then he knew, Sam was back. -
The Consequences of Sam
The Rebel troops came to the tavern and threatened the Meekers that if they didnt give them there gun that they would shoot them. So Tim ran t Tom Warrups and snuck the gun out and started running back to the tavern, but Sam awoke and started to chase Tim. Tim put up a good fight but Sam was able to get the gun back. Tim begged Sam to help the family out by telling hime aout the threat but Sam needed the gun too badly and just told Tim to go back and see what had happened. -
Mr. Heron's Letter
Mr. Heron sent Tim with a letter to give somone in Fairfield. On the way there he ran into Betsy and she was convinced that it was a letter saying the Rebel troops location and she didnt want that becuase then they would find Sam. So she took the letter and ripped it open but all it said was, "If this message is recieved, we will know that the messenger is reliable." -
Journey begins
For the very first year Life (Father) had to take Tim with him to sell cattle in Verplanks Point. On this day they started off on there Journey. When they first left there was half an inch of snow. Tim walked along the wagon and Life rode on his horse.They reached Ridgeburry around lunchtime and didn't stop to eat, they just ate while they walked. -
On there way to sell cattle about 6 cow-boys stopped them with guns, they made Tim go sit down in the field and Life stayed and tryed to reason with them but they weren't going to sttop untill they got the cattle. They started hitting Life with there guns and then finally a group of escorts swarmed them away and escorted them the rest of the way. -
The Platts
Tim and Life stopped and stayed at there cousins house the Platts and talked about the current war problems and how bad theproblem with cow-boys are around here. -
Selling of Cattle
They finally reached Verplanks Point and had numerous amounts of escorts on the way there.They found Mr. Bogardus, the man they normally sold cattle to, and then herded the cattle into pens and untied the hogs into there pins. -
Where is Life
Life was scared of the cow-boys comibg back on the way back so he would ride far ahead ad then come back to check on Tim. Tim was waiting for his father to come check on him, when he realized that it had been a vey long time since he had come back. Being very worried he strted to speed up and he found where his fathers horse tracks stopped the where a lot of horse prints, and he knew that he had been taken by the cow-boys and there was nothing he could do. -
Tim knew that all he could do was keep on going but he also knew that the cow-boys would be here for him very soon. When they finally came he pretended like he thought they were escorts and tricked them into thinking that escorts would be coming any seconnd and that they needed to leave before they came and it worked, they rode away.. -
The British are coming
The British troops came into Redding and they took Captain Betts, Mr.Rodgers, and Jerry Sanford. Then a Rebel messenger came and the British chased and knocked him off of his horse and serverly injured him. Tim ran to get the doctor and luckily he was fine. -
British Soldiers
There were British troops firing at Captain Starr's house and a bunch of rebels including Ned, the slave who were firing back. At the end the they let 9 of them go but killed the rest. -
Is Sam Back Again?
Benedick Arnold comes into the tavern and Tim knows that Sam is with his troopsso he goes out to the chur h and tries to find him. He was right! Sam was there and he was staying for a while he came back to the barn to say hi to mom. Then they argued that he should stay and how he should try to get father back but Sam couldn't do both. -
Father is Dead
On this day they found out that there Father was dead and he had been dead for a month. He had ended up on a British prison ship and caught disease and died from it. But what he said he wanted them to now was that he forgives Sam. -
Sams back and for a while
Sam came back to Redding with the troops and he was going to stay for a while, also he was partially aloud to visit this time because he was supposed to show Colonel Parsons around. So it worked out. Sadly food was very short and it was freezing weather -
Cattle Thieves
Sam continuesly warned Tim that someone was going to steal his cattle. But on ths day two people actually did. They heard somethimg in the back, so they ran out to try and find it. Sam found them but they ambushed him and set him up to take the blame and then took him to General Putnam. -
Bad Trial
Sam had a trial to find his punishment and Colonel Read went to go find out the results. It ended in the punihment declaration of execution. Tim tried evrything but nothing ould stop it from happening -
Tim went to watch this day and said his final goodbyes. Sam was shot once and then he caught on fire and then shot once more and then he was dead. Just dead.