Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development (In No Particular Order)

  • Raising Children

    Raising Children
    Phillip (age 42) teaches his son Ralph a song that his father taught him. This way Ralph can appreciate music and the song will be passed down. In Erikson's 7th stage Generativity vs. Stagnation, adults feel the need to create a positive change that will ultimately outlast them to be accomplished, or end up making no difference in the world.
  • Musician

    Ralph (age 17) enjoys playing music. He's teaching his family song to his friends, and decides to become a musician. In Erikson's 5th stage Identity vs. Role Confusion, a person begins to looking for roles to define themselves. The conflict emerges in finding a comfortable fit which helps identify the self, or failure to find successful role and the continually search for it.
  • Relationships

    Ralph (age 25) is going with his friends and girlfriend to the movies. He appreciates and cares for them all, so he's buying the tickets. In Erikson's 6th stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation, people try to develop their relationships with others in a deeper sense. Successively doing so results in strong relationships (intimate), and failure ends with loneliness and detachment (isolation).
  • Taking a Walk to Think

    Taking a Walk to Think
    Ralph (age 65) is now a retired musician. He enjoys walking down the beach after spending time with his son further up the island. He regrets not spending more time with his son when he was younger, but is glad to do so now. In Erikson's last stage Ego Integrity vs. Despair, older adults tend to reflect on their choices in life to see if it led to a fulfilled life. Success leads to preservation of our ego, and failure is followed by regret and despair.