Trust vs. Mistrust - 1 years old
Bob has just started trying to learn to walk. His day was fillled with attempts that ended in landing on his butt. However, his mom and dad were always right next to him, holding his hand, helping and encouraging him to keep trying,
In Erickson's frist stage of Trust vs. Mistrust, a child must have develop trust depending on the reliability and care from their caregiver. -
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt - 2 years old
Bob's mom took him to the toy store this morning. She brought him to an aisle and told him he could choose any toy he wanted. He was very happy and got a toy of his favorite color car.
In Erickson's second stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt, children gain a sense of self control by making their own decisions. -
Industry vs Ineriority - 9 years old
Bob's friend came up to him asking what he got on his math test. Bob found out he did a lot better than his friend. He felt very smart and his friend asked him to help him later.
In Erickson's fourth stage of Industry vs. Inferiority, kids develop a sence of pride in their abilities and accomplishments. -
Intimacy vs. Isolation - 23 years old
Today is Bob's wedding. He met his wife Sandy in college and has been completlety in love since they met 4 years ago. They plan to go to Hawaii for a honeymoon then return to build their family after.
In Erickson's sixth stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation, one forms a loving relationship with another.