
  • Moving from Texas to Florida

    Paul was on his way to Florida from Texas. Before he left, his imagination of a zombie following him representing that he was part of the family and that problems follow you no matter where you go.
  • Moving from Texas to Florida.

    Moving from Texas to Florida.
    Paul's family had to leave Texas to Florida.
  • The Thunderstorm.

    The Thunderstorm.
    A vicious Thunderstorm hit the late Afternoon.
  • New Houses

    New Houses
    Later.. that day paul saw the new houses being constructed the the street.
  • First Day of School.

    First Day of School.
    Today was the first day of paul's school he had to wait for the smokey bright yellow bus to come and pick him up to go to school.
  • Girlfriends

    These girls name Paige and Tina want to date football players so now Eric and Arthur want to date theam to get a girl.
  • Sports Glasses

    Sports Glasses
    Paul got new glasses for sports that are so strong that if you step or bomb it. It wont even break or if a dinosaur would wear it when the meteor happen the glasses would survive but not the dinosaur.
  • Soccer Tryouts

    Soccer Tryouts
    It was the day that Paul go to his soccer tryouts The team was called "Lake Windsor middle school Home of the Seagulls.
  • Mike Deaths

    Mike Deaths
    Paul and his mom went to the market to get some stuff for the family.Then they arrive but then Paul sees his dads car parking in front. When they came out they look shock and then Eric said that Mike died in football practice.
  • Violent

    Paul was looking at the football team from the other side of the football team. Paul saw that they were practicing more violent. they were hitting the dummies really hard and were training more than suppose too.
  • Soccer Saddness

    Soccer Saddness
    Paul was taking shots from the eight grader as usual in soccer practice But then hey saw Gino talking to Coach Walski and then saw Gino run to him and Gino said ¨paul coach Walski want to talk to you¨ Then paul though that the couch would finally let him be in the first team but then the Coach said that he has to leave the team because he is a hadecapt program.
  • funeral

    Later.. Today was the day that Pauls family would go to Mike Costello funeral Paul wanted to go for a reason and it was a Catholic wake paul saw Eric with the cheerleaders and saw mostly all the 8th graders that played football and saw his parents. After the priest was done talking Paul said to mike's parents ¨Am sorry for your loss.¨
  • Sinkhole

    It was usual day at Paul's school but then the ground started to hake and shake Paul said to Joey is that a earthquake and Joey said Its a sinkhole. It sinking in room 19 everybody started screaming and people in the classes screaming not even knowing what to do.
  • News Reports

    News Reports
    Pauls grandparents called in from Ohio they said that they were on the national news on CNN then pauls mom puts the news channels and it show the hole from a helicopters view then it showed the main points of the hole and then you could see the parts of portable 19.
  • Tangerine times news

    Tangerine times news
    Paul sees the Tangerine Times News and its shows the news about his school again its showed the teacher with the kids 7th and 8th graders. There was 25 portable classes that got trashed.
  • New Director

    New Director
    Paul's dad is the new Director of Civil Engineering for Tangerine it happen quickly now he owns his work.
  • Reporst of school

    Paul is going to a high school to check about his school and he thought that he was not going to school for a month but then mom said he was moving him in a catholic church and paul in his mind said no.
  • Tangerine Middle School

    Tangerine Middle School
    today was the first that paul was going to a new school he was excited and shy at the same time because he is in Tangerine Middle School. Pauls mom was mad that they saw gang members looking at kids doing karate kicks to other kicks and Mom already did not like the school.
  • Trash Talking

    Trash Talking
    Paul followed Theresa the hole time as yesterday and then Pull got push again by another tall buff dude but then Theresa didn't pay attention. and then they went to lunch but then Paul saw the kids from the Tangerine middle school team but then Theresa said that ¨that's the kid that wants to play¨ Then the leader started trash talking.
  • Uniform change.

    Uniform change.
    Paul and Joey put there uniforms on Joeys uniform was light blue socks with white shorts and blue jersey that say eagles and paul has maroon socks and shorts with a gold jersey.
  • First Game.

    First Game.
    It was the first game for Paul versus Palmetto Middle School Paul went to the changing room to ready up for the game so he was changing The couch then made them come to the bus and then said count them up so then they were on the way.
  • First Game For Lake Windsor High School

    First Game For Lake Windsor High School
    Today was the first season game for Lake Windsor High School they were home and they were going vs Cypress bay High Cardinals. Paul's dad was so hyper that it look like the most important time of his life. At the end of the match Lake Windsor High School won and the score was 8-7.
  • First Football Season Game.

    First Football Season Game.
    Today was the first day for for a football game for Eric. Today it was Lake Windsor High seagulls vs Cypress Bay High Cardinals. Then they started playing In the first time it was 0-0 but then when the game was over Lake Windsor High won the game by 8-7
  • Phone Calls

    Phone Calls
    Later that day paul got a call from Joey's girlfriend Paul was surprised that joey's girlfriend called him. When he answered Cara said if he like one of her friends named Kerri Gardner and when she said that Paul didn't say anything so then she said ¨OK bye.¨
  • Second Soccer Game of The Season

    Second Soccer Game of The Season
    Today was the second for Paul and Tangerine Middle School vs Kinnow Middle School. Henry D. said that the Middle School won them last year. Then the game started at halftime it was 3-3 Then at the end of the match Tangerine Middle School won by 7-3.
  • Poor Joey

    Poor Joey
    When practice was over Paul and Joey were walking home but then Victor and his group were behind him and said to Paul why does this dude follow you all the time and then started to make fun of him and again and again Joey was so mad but then they crossed the rode and stop and Paul and Joey were now alone.
  • The Tangerine Times

    The Tangerine Times
    Paul had practice but Joey didn't come to practice but instead the Tangerine times came over to see some girls play soccer. They came up on a big white truck in the side it said Tangerine time. Victor and his group went to the camera and started saying "you should record me first if you want to pass" and then the other kids from his group were like "and me too and me and me."
  • Harsh talk.

    Harsh talk.
    Paul was doing his homework downstairs but then Pauls Mom said ¨Paul go upstairs to do your homework.¨Paul then said why and her mom said that Mr.Costello was going to talk to her harsh so then Paul wnet upstairs.
  • Invitantion

    Mr.Donnelly called Paul's dad last time. Paul and his dad and mom were surprised that he called them for the first time since Pauls mom has called him a lot of time. The reason was that he wanted to invite them to a university to see a really important football game.
  • Last Home Game

    Last Home Game
    Paul had his last home game versus Manatee Middle school. They haven't won a game last year and they recently lost 8-0 by Lake Windsor Middle School. They were scared to go versus he Tangerine Middle School team. They put Paul in the Left Wing so then the game started. Paul scored and then a thunderstorm happen and Victor said ¨why did they quit¨ and it was the teams policy so then The referee counted it as a tie and Victor got mad.
  • Lake Windsor News

    Lake Windsor News
    The the Lake Windsor team was in the news They showed that they never lost a game and then they sowed the top players that scored and of course it showed gino tied with another person and the Victor started talking trash about Gino and that he was better than him.
  • more people

    more people
    Paul had a usual home away game and this time there was more parents than usual so then the bus person said ¨count them up.¨ so then Victor said there was more players so then the parents took them to the game.
  • Tino steeps up

    Tino steeps up
    Paul,Theresa and Tino were playing soccer but then Eric and his friend started talking about that it is said that they only play for a few minutes but then Tino got mad So then he walk up to them and then started talking crap to Eric and then Eric got mad and hit him in the face. After that Eric and his friend left.
  • Luis fights

    Luis fights
    Luis was looking for paul in football practice he look mad. So then Luis started talking to Eric and said why don't you pick your own size instead of little kids Fisher. So then Eric got mad and mad so then Luis said hit me so then Author and Eric started hitting him.
  • Florida News

    Florida News
    It was thanksgiving and the weather was supposed to be nice and warm but it was really cold. So then somebody called and Paul answered it it was its grandparents they said that they were on the news because they were on the coldest day ever in Florida for years so Then Paul past the phone to mom.
  • Sickness

    Paul was sleeping all day long since he was sleep nobody woke him up for a long time They didn't wake him up for thanksgiving diner. Paul woke up a three in the morning so then he laid in the darknest for an hour and then went downstairs. Paul was watching TV but then his dad came Paul thought that he was going to mad because he was sick so then his dad said why are you here. But then Paul said that he is not sick anymore and he feels better.
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Paul wanted to go with mom but her mom said no because she thought that was still sick so then he stayed home.But then Paul remembered that something bad was going to happen to Eric. In his mind he said Luis is going to come back but not alone.
  • R.I.P Luis Cruz

    R.I.P Luis Cruz
    Luis Cruz died nobody knows how he died nobody knew how he died the just said that he was laying on the ground dead. So then Pual searches information. Then he finds out that Athour killed him with the black jack when he got hit it just hurted but the next few days he died becuase of it.
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Paul was dressing up but then he got a call from, Theresa she said to not come to the funeral because of the thing that happened and then she said if you come your going to be in trouble. So then Paul said ok and then he thought that they were going to blame it on him so then he stayed home.
  • Weird Action

    Weird Action
    Paul put his same suit as he did to mike Costello and went outside of the backyard and left the house. So then Paul was facing the grey wall and so then he put his legs on the dirt and started praying for Luis cruz.
  • Day of His Life

    Day of His Life
    Paul had his time of his life it was midnight when Joey was talking to him through the phone joey said that everybody was asking for joey and especially the girls and Paul already knew and said oh. So then he started talking more and more.
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Paul was waiting for the bad news in the morning. Then Paul saw the white van and ran out and grabe the newspaper and then he read the bad news about Antione Thomas and then Pauls dad started to get phone calls about him.
  • Angry Mom

    Angry Mom
    Late that day Pauls mom and dad had a meeting in the house so then Paul was annoyed of them talking too much so then Paul went downstairs to get something and then he heard his mom to start screaming so then he graph his stuff and went pustairs fast.
  • Weird Stuff

    Weird Stuff
    Paul went to school very early. Pauls mom was driving silently and very angry. When Paul arrived he arrived so early that there was no Gantsa and Karate kids and even no busses so then he walks by Mr.Johnson room and saw Tomas Cruz and Victors, mom Mrs.Guzman Paul didint know why the were there so early but then he rilized about Luis.
  • big talk

    big talk
    Pauls dad had to take Eric down to the Police Station to talk to Sergent Rojas. they were there until 7:30 to 10:30 Paul was surprised that they took that long. When they arrived Pauls dad was saying that Author is putting the blame on Eric and Eric is saying no and its a lie and then they said they were going to sort it out.
  • Article writing

    Article writing
    later that they Paul was writing an article about Sergent Rojas crime. He started writing and writing and then he stops at 9:00 but then he started again and then started talking about Luis and what he meant for the people around him.
  • Living Life

    Living Life
    It was the first the of school Paul was wearing blue jeans a white shirt a blue tie and black socks and at last his black shoes. When he went downstairs his parents were surprised that he didn't care what they gave him in the morning. So then his mom said, Paul, your dad is going to Saint Anthony's today so then they walk to the cold Florida wind and then arrived. So then they past Mike costellos tree and then they were just living life.
  • Joey Quits Soccer

    Joey Quits Soccer
    Paul,Tino,Theresa,Maya,Nita and Henry were in a science class and they had to make a group and they needed one more person and Paul said "Joey" so then Tino said ok but Joey said no and no and no so then Tino said "This is not like practice ok" so then Joey said fine. But then Joey said "Am not in the team anymore." Then Paul was surprised and he said why and why and then Joey said am not into it anymore like I use to be and then he said when am in highschool am going to play football.