
most dangerous game

  • exposition

    when the boat hits a storm it ends up making rainsford to fall off over
  • Period: to

    events of The Most Dangerous Game

  • rising action

    rising action
    he finds the island he falls asleep then started to look foe a sign of people then he found Zaroff and was pleased
  • climax

    rainsford now knows that Zaroff game is humans. he is now forced to be hunted or hunt so he chose to be hunted
  • falling action

    falling action
    rainsford has to live for three days so he can go home to his family so he puts traps up for his survival
  • denouement

    rainsford lives for the tree days so because of the bet Zaroff and him made. rainsford doesnt want any more people to be hunter so he kills Zaroff