Moshe's Jewish Growth Journey

By MosheG
  • Birth

  • Immigrating to the U.S.

    And the start of the possibility of Jewish Growth
  • Hebrew School

  • Circumcision

  • Bar Mitzvah

  • First Class on Judaism at the University of Michigan

    Meeting my first real teacher and Rabbi
  • First trip to Israel

  • Internship at Elat Chayyim

  • Period: to

    R. Yehoshua Karsh

    R. Karsh modeled as well as welcomed wholeness. R. Karsh has an amazing ability to take our tradition deeply deeply to heart, while also being able to laugh at its quirks, and I think he does this in relationship to himself as well as his friends and students. He didn't tell us what "the" meaning of the Torah, or what some commentator said, he shared his experience of living the stories of that Parshah in his own life. He shared himself, and did so with a gentle integrity.
  • Studyign at Aish HaTorah in Israel

    1 month
  • Quitting Work to move to Israel and study full time

  • Started Hebrew College Rabbinic School

  • Lead first Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur

  • Officiate first Jewish Wedding