Period: to
Henry IV
When he got married to Henry II daughter, a mass killig started that is now know as St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre. He defeated Henry III army in the Battle of Coutras. Became allies with Henry II after the batle. Won key battles to secure Pairs and his crown to become king. Henry lowered taxes on French citizens, made peace with the Ottoman Empire and opened up trade routes to East Asia. I would give Henry IV a B because he won many big battles but created a big a massacer. -
Henry III stabbed and killed
Pairs is capilulated
Period: to
Louis XIII
He took the throne at a young age after the assionation of his father Henry IV. Displayed courage on the battlefield, but had instability and chronic ill health. He won big battles against the Spaniards. After the war, he was respected greatly as one of the most powerful rulers of Europe. He died of tuberculosis at his estate in 1643. I would give Louis XIII a C+ beacuse he was a good warrior and leader on the battlefield, but he could not funcion very fell at home because of his illnesses. -
Won substancal wars
Louis XIII died
Period: to
Louis XIV
As soon as he became King, he started to reform France. He invaded the Spanish Neitherlands on1667. From 1672-1678 Louis engraded France in the Franco-Dutch War. He lead a war againest the Grand Alliance in 1688. He generated public hostility. I would give Louis XIV an A- beacuse he was great in battle and at ruling his kingdom, but towards the end of his rule, he created some hostility amoung each other in the kingdom. -
Started Reforming France
Invaded the Spanish Neitherlands
Louis XV was born
Louis XIV died
Period: to
Louis XV
Married at the age of 15. Had 10 kids. Only 8 lived to adulthood. I would give Louis a D- because he almost lost all of France's colonies to the Britsh. One of the only good things that he did was that he had lots of kids. -
Louis XV died
Louis XVI became king
Period: to
Louis XVI
He was very immature and lacked self-cofedence. Faced big debt and rising resentment towards a despotic monarch. Lacked strength of character and combat skills. I would give Louis XVI a F because he was very immature when he was king. -
A riot broke out in Pairs
Period: to
Louis XVII
Age of 8, he was king. He really did not have to make any good nor bad chooses. I would give Louis XVII an F beacsue all he did was run and never tried to do anything to stop running or from being captured and killed.