Mohandas Gandi is born.
October 2, 1869 Mohandas Gandi is born in Porbander, a sea coast town in the Kathiawar Peninsula north of Bombay. He was born to parents Karamchand Gandi and Putlibai. And though he looked like any other child born in India he was no ordinary child. (Shanker 1) -
Karl Benz Invents the First Car
German born Karl Benz, a mechanical engineer designs and builds the first practical car powered by an internal-combustion engine. The orginal car has three wheels and is called Motorwagen. It first ran in 1885. (Staff of Biography.com 1) -
Gandi Exposed to Racism
In 1893 Ghandi accetped an offer from an Indian firm in South Africa. He accepted a one year contract to represent them legally in South Africa. While traveling in the first class train compartment, Gandi was asked by a white man to leave. Gandi got off of the train and spent the night meditating. After this experience he decided then to dedicate his work against racism. (Encycopledia Of World Biography 202) -
Satyagraha is first used by Gandi
Gandi begins to use Satyagraha to resist the government. A nonviolent form of protest, Satyagraha is social and politcal reform created through friendly passive resistance. It is conquering by refusing to submit to or cooperate with anything perceived as wrong, while adhering to the idea of nonviolence in order to maintain tranquilility of the mind which is needed for insight and understanding. (South African History Online 1) -
End of World War 1
November 11, 1918, representatives from Germany and its allies signed an armistice that brought an end to the fighting in World War I. Known as the Great War, it dragged on for years in a stalemate. The turning point came in 1917 when the United States ended its neutrality and pledged its support to the Allied forces (primarily Britain and France) against the Central Powers (German and Austria-Hungary). (Cummings 1) -
Gandi Imprisoneded for Civil Disobedience
On this date Gandi is sentenced to six years for civil disobedience. He is arrested after a protest march. against the Raj, leads to viloence. The Raj, the British govenment in India, created a law that it could imprison Indians suspected of sedition without a trial. (Finding Dulcinea Staff 1) -
Gandi Becomes President of Indian National Congress
Gandi, as leader of the Indian National Congress, leads eighty people on a two-hundred mile march to the sea where they symbolically produced salt from sea water defying the discriminatory British Salt Tax. This was part of the INC campaign of non-cooperation against the Raj. This led to a new grassroots effort to end colonial rule that lasted almost two decades. (The Global Freedom to Struggle 1) -
Methods of Non-Cooperation Inspired by Gandi are used by Protesters in Bardoli Protesting High Rent
From February to August 1928 peasants of Bardoli resort to Satyagraha and non-payment of taxes to protest against the illegal increase of land revenue which the government tried to use to terrorize the Indian people but failed. A settlement was reached and the demands of the people were accepted. This raised confidence in the use of the method of Gandi's Satyagraha. (Gandi Research Foundation 1) -
Gandi is Arrested for Sedition (One of Many Times)
On this day Gandi is jailed for civil disobdience announcing that he will starve himself to death unless the government reverses their decsion to grant separate political representation for seventy years to the Untouchables.. This is the first of many fasts he will undertake for the same cause despite his age and unanimous medical opinions that his body could not sustain the strain. (New York Times 1) -
Gandi Fasts in Prison to Protest the Treatment of the Untouchables
Gandi fasted many times in prison to protest the treatment of the untouchables. Untouchables were the lowest cast of society in Hindu life. They were a class of people permitted to live only on the outskirts of villages or even to take water from the same wells as members of higher castes. They were not allowed much education or even to been seen during the day. (Editors of Encyclopedia Britianica 1) -
F.D.R. is Elected President
Franklin D. Roosevelt 1882-1945. He attended Harvard and Columbia Law Schoo, was assistant secretary of the Navy, and elected governor of New York Although he was then stricken by polio, he was elected president of the U.S. in 1932. He is recognized as beinga man who reshaped the American government, transformed the Democratic party, redefined American liberalism, and brought the United States through the largest war in world history. (Finding Dulcinea Staff 1) -
The Comic Industry is Born
The first American comic book was called Funnies on Parade. It was just a reprint of comic strips that were collected from the newspapers. It started out as a giveaway, but afterwards somebody realized that they had too many leftover copies. So a 10 cent price tag was put on them and they were dropped off at the local newsstands. They sold out quickly and they comic industry was born. (Lalumiere 1) -
Superman Makes Comic Book Debut
On this day Superman was introduced to "a nation of readers in need of a hero". Superman offered hope and diversion to Americans who had just lived a decade of economic hardship and now living through a war approaching overseas. Although he was first called "ridiculous and immature", he has lasted through generations of people who Time magazine says "like their heroes like they like their steaks: tough, thick and all-American". (Harris 1) -
World War II Begins
September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. Two days after, the Polish allied Britain and France and declared war on Germany, Then on September 17 the Soviet Red Army joined Germany. The cumulation of these events marked the beginning of hostilities which led to the start of World War II. (Finding Dulcinea Staff 1) -
Gandi Fasts in Prison to Protest British Rule of India
Gandi states India would only be Britian's war ally if immediate freedom from British rule was given to India. Britian states to him they will use force if needed. Gandi and some 50 followers are arrested as rioting begins. Gandi is imprisoned and he begins his 21 day fast on February 10th 1943. It is the first time he fails to win at least a partial victory. (New York Times 1) -
Ghandi's Death
Ghandi died on January 30,1948. The assasin was a hindu who fired three shots from a pistol at a range of 3 feet in New Delhi India. The shots were fired as he was entering a prayer meeting there. Age:78 (Trumbull 1)