• 1466


    Moctezuma the second was born on 1466. He was born in Tenochtitlan, Mexico. His parents were axayacatl and xochicuicatl.
  • 1480


    Moctezuma II was born in 1466 and was raised for battle and priesthood. He rose quickly by capturing 6 enemy men at a young age. He also rose through the ranks of priesthood. His skill was noticed and he was eventually named the emperor.
  • 1502


    As for his occupation he was an emperor. The emperor of mexico to be exact. One of the many names he went by was the emperor of mexico.
  • Period: 1502 to 1520


    Moctezuma II was very religious and so him and mexico took part in rituals were they sacrificed people for there god. It is held on the teocalli of the war god huitzilopochtli. He was originally descended from the olmecs
  • Period: 1502 to 1520

    to high, to mighty

    Moctezuma was so mighty his subjects never saw him. They were not aloud to look at him if he was in there presence. They couldn't even look at his clothes. Any who did were nobles.
  • Period: 1502 to 1519

    lavish life

    His religion was based off of beauty and was filled with gems and pottery. There were tribute of coton gold silver and much more to their emperor. Most people wore jewelry except those who couldn't afford it. Then it all fell to ruin in 1519.
  • 1519


    In 1502 moctezuma II was named emperor. In 1519 moctezuma II was kidnapped by cortes. 1520 was killed by angry subjects.
  • 1520


    Moctezuma died on 1520. He died the same place he was born. He had ruled for 18 years.
  • 1520

    the fall of the city

    the fall of the city
    Hernan cortes conquered montezuma´s city after he was killed. A year after he died in 1520 cortez attacked and razed the city. He killed everyone men women children and pillaged the whole city.
  • Period: 1520 to

    the death of the Aztec city

    Cortes destroyed the city and left it in bloody rubble. Then perished the aztec empire. A wonderful and unique part of their civilization.