Million Man March

  • The Nation of Islam movement

    The Nation of Islam was founded to help bring African Americans to Islam from Wallace Muhammad
  • Louis's birthday

    The lead speaker of the Million Man March, Louis Farrakhan was born in Bronx, New York. He was born to an immigrant Carribean parents from Jamaica and Saint Kittis.
  • Elijah Muhammad

    Elijah Muhammad took over the Nation of Islam after Wallace Muhammads death
  • The arrival of Malcolm X

    Malcolm X serves his prison term and then becomes teh minister for the Nation of Islam under Elijah Muhammad
  • Malcolm X's departure

    Malcolm left the Nation in March 1964 and in the next month founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. During his pilgrimage to Mecca that same year, he experienced a second conversion and embraced Sunni Islam, adopting the Muslim name el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz
  • The rise of Louis

    After Elijah Muhammads death, Louis Farrakhan took over the Nation of Islam and advocated for social justice to African Americans.
  • Period: to

    Rise in tension

    The United States witnesses an intensification of racial tensions as exemplified by the assault on Rodney King by Los Angeles law enforcement officers in 1991, followed by the eruption of the 1992 LA riots subsequent to the officers' acquittal.
  • The Million Man March

    A large gathering of African Americans gathered in Washington D.C to create support within the community. It aimed to address issues affecting African American men, including social and economic disparities, as well as to promote unity and self-improvement within the community.
  • Millions More Movement March

    Thousands showed up this past weekend in Washington for the Millions More Movement March. It took place 10 years after the unprecedented number of black men rolled into the nation's capital for the Million Man March. Saturday's march was billed as a more inclusive event, but like the mass rally in 1995.