Medieval Muslims

  • Period: 401 to 500

    The failures of Christianity

    The failures of Christianity where to find very well in the middle ages. This is where it became an unstable religion because of it’s a naturally rapid growth. When the Roman empire had fallen a lot of lives changed in Europe which means a lot of things became or work and as long was able to take a foothold as the strongest. Christians also lost a lot to the Byzantine Empire because of their challenge with the pagan Vikings as well as the Muslims.
  • Period: Jan 1, 601 to Jan 1, 700

    Beginning of the impact of Islam in the middle ages

    Beginning of the impact of Islam in the Middle Ages. This sets off the rise of Islam beginning with the fifth century which also defines the beginning of the middle ages. This ultimately defines itself as the fall out of the Roman empire and the upbringing of Islam being brought to centerstage in the seventh century. This is where I got it start as a very worthy adversary to Christianity.
  • Period: Jan 1, 611 to Jan 1, 711

    Beginning of their golden age

    Many consider the middle ages to also be known as the golden age for Muslims. This is where they had a lot of achievements and progress. A lot of this took place in Jerusalem as well as Egypt but also foreign lands like Persia. This also established their rule and conquering of Spain.
  • Period: Jan 1, 900 to Jan 1, 901

    Progress of science

    While battling during the middle ages Muslims were also able to establish a love and knack for science. As well as mathematics. There was a lot of research that started as well as the establishment of the house of wisdom in Baghdad. There encouragement to translate a bunch of books into Arabic that way they could be read by many more people. This included works of other philosophers that were originally Latin and Greek, as well as documents and books written for medical necessities.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1000 to Jan 1, 1001

    Research transforms societies

    The invention and advancement of research also led to the wisdom of algebraic expressions and trigonometry being invented. This was discovered by a Muslim scientist named Al-Brattani.
  • Period: 1000 to 1229

    Christians versus Muslims

    Christians versus Muslims was not a new concept during the middle ages. There was a number of wars that broke out as each felt as though they were being backstabbed by the other as well as a lot of agreements and bloodshed resonated with each group deeply. A lot of their disputes began and ended with the holy land in Jerusalem and Constantinople. when the Christians captured the city they killed all the Muslims but the same is also said for the Muslims. Occasionally where they given rates.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1229 to Jan 1, 1229

    Ottoman empire

    The ottoman empire was created. As well as the end prediction of the prophet Muhammas. This put them under the rule of Sulton Muhammad the second. This is what gave the end to the middle ages as they conquered Constantinople.
  • Period: 1229 to 1229

    The fall of the middle ages Muslims

    The fall of the middle ages MuslimsIs defined by the fact that although they did contribute a lot to the part of society when they were in power during the middle ages. They also began to fall because Christianity was a rising again as they began to get better footholds within society.