McCandless Map

  • Map

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    Atlanta, GA

    Chris tells his parents he is going to travel around in the dastun to get away from the constant mental abuse
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    Lake Mead

    Chris decided to hike around lake mead, happened to get heat stroke, managed to find boaters who helped him get to Callville Bay
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    Willow Creek

    Chris was ticketed for hitch hiking near willow creek in Eureka and used address from Annandale. Parents went looking for him.
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    Needles, California

    caught a ride with a long-haul truck driver towards Needles, California.. then he walked to Topock, Arizona. bought a canoe and decided to paddle down the Colorado River to the Gulf of California, almost 400 miles to the south, past the Mexican border.
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    Morelos Dam

    Chris reached Morelos Dam but was denied entry at the mexican border. Entered by going through a maze of canals.
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    El Gulfo de Santara Clara

    finds friendly duck hunters that hitchhike him to El Gulfo de Santa Clara. which is known to be a fishing village. when heading south, grows wary because of the narrowing of the canal.
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    houston texas

    left the boat on the Gulfo de Santa Clara and walked north. Lived off of five pounds of rice and the marine life he found. Traveled north
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    los Angeles

    Got back into the U.S. but, was caught by immigration. He went to Los Angeles to get an I.D. but, didn't like being around society so he left immediately.
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    Detrital Wash

    Yellow Datsun was impounded here. Hitched to Las Vegas and found a job.
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    Las Vegas

    He entered Las Vegas with no money or I.D. After a few months he leaves Las Vegas
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    Bullhead City, Arizona

    Worked at McDonald's for two months living a conventional life.
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    McCandless unexpectedly arrives at Niland to meet with Burres. meets at a huge flea market where Burres works as a vendor.
    Charlie a guy who let McCandless live in his mobile home, said he was a nice guy but anti-social around people.
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    Salton city, California

    Franz drove McCandless to Salton city, California to Grand Junction Colorado. then left him to hitch hike to San Diego. Hiked into the desert and set up camp I aa brake of creosote on the edge of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park.
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    Grand Junction, Colorado

    after being ran off trains in Seattle, Franz offers McCandless a ride to Grand Junction, Colorado. Franz gave him a machete, an arctic parka, a collapsible fishing pole and other gear for his journey into Alaska
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    Coachella, California

    gets a job with Westerberg. was happy to be away from Franz without problems
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    Carthage, South Dakota

    sends a postcard to Franz while in Carthage. Stayed there for two weeks and three days.
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    Alaskan Odyssey

    States his Alaskan Odyssey will not start later than this date.
    April 15
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    Stampede Trail

    hitchhikes and ends finding Jim Gallien who drives him to his last destination.
    McCandless rejects offer from Gallien to get good gear. Gallien drops him off 3 hours from Fairbanks
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    sends an S.O.S letter of distress, says he is dying, injured and to weak to hike out of there. was collecting berries to eat as a supply of food.
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    body was found in bus, was reported died of starvation. body was taken to Anchorage for autopsy at Scientific Crime Detective Laboratory. When his body was found, he had with him a camera with five rolls of exposed film.