MAY 4, 1861
In this day Father Silviano was born in Patzcuaro Michoagan
his dad is named don Juan Carillo Zarco
and mother is named doña Librada Cardenas Ramirez -
May 5, 1861
Father Silviano was baptized at the church of Señora de la Salud -
May 23, 1868
Father Siviano moved to the city of Zamora Michoagan -
Aug 1, 1872
Silviano moved to Guadalajara there he continued his studies in the seminary
Father Silviano's parents couldn't see him become a priest -
Dec 26, 1884
On December 26, 1884 Father Silviano was ordained priest by the Hon Lord D Pedro Loza and Pardavé Archbishop of Guadalajara, in the chapel of the archbishop's palace -
Aug 1, 1885
In August 1885 he was sent as minister to Cocula, Jalisco, and there with all the enthusiasm of his youth, gave the catechesis of children and adults and form the faithful in the exercise of charity through conferences St. Vincent de Paul. He built a temple to San Pedro, conditioned the hospital building for improved Exercises House. -
Jun 16, 1895
In July 16, 1895 he was appointed pastor of Ciudad Guzman in Zapotlán Grande, Jalisco he gave himself to the good of his parish. -
Jun 18, 1901
On July 18, 1901, a theif broke into the Church and stole the ciborium that contained consecrated hosts. -
Nov 25, 1904
The act of the thief stealing the ciborium helped as a call of the Holy Spirit to start a religious congregation of women. The women would be dedicated to love and adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. On November 25, 1904 Fr. Silviano Carrillo started a congregation named Sister Servants of the Blessed Sacrament. -
Father Silviano wrote about the Good News so everyone could read about it. When the religious persecution started, on 1914, he was persecuted and had to hide. -
On November of 1916 Father Silviano was named Canon Regular to the Cathedral of Guadalajara, Jalisco. He represented the Eucharisitc spirit really well. -
Mar 24, 1921
Silviano Carrillo was appointed the fifth Bishop of Sinaloa, on February 24, 1921, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, by Pope Benedict XV. As a bishop he reopened the diocesan seminary and gave fatherly care to the seminarians. -
Sep 10, 1921
Six months later after being appointed bishop Silviano Carrillo got ill and passed away on September 10,1921, in Culiacan, Sinaloa.