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English Timeline- Ismael's Life

  • Ismael's Birth Date

    Ismael's Birth Date
    Ismael Carbajal was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • Ismael migrated to the United States

    Ismael migrated to the United States
    Ismael migrated from Jalisco to San Diego, California. After arriving in San Diego, he traveled to Los Angeles.
  • LA to Stockton MA

    LA to Stockton MA
    Ismael traveled form Los Angeles, CA to Stockton, CA. He stayed with a family friend in Stockton for two weeks.
  • CA to MA

    CA to MA
    Ismael's family friends had other family in Marlborough, MA that flew Ismael to MA to stay with them.
  • Marlborough

    Ismael arrived in Marlborough, MA on January 20th and stayed with friends who he knew from his hometown in Mexico. He did not have a job for 3 months until an opportunity came up.
  • First Job in The USA

    First Job in The USA
    Ismael started working for a landscaping company called Dave's Landscape Management Company. He worked there for 6 months but than began working at a department store called Filene's Warehouse due to the end of the landscaping season.
  • Filines Warehouse

    Filines Warehouse
    Ismael began working at Filines Warehouse in Natick, MA in October of 1990. He worked at Filines for about 7 months.
  • Cavicchio

    After working for 7 months at Filines Warehouse, Ismael began working at Cavicchio Greenhouses in Sudbury, MA. He planted millions of flower pots with mums, repaired greenhouses and loaded trailers full of mulch and soil. He also collected plant orders and prepared the orders to be shipped in a truck. Ismael worked at Cavicchio for about 5 months. After the warm seasons ended, Ismael was laid off.
  • Hunnewell Estate

    Hunnewell Estate
    His boss, Susan was not happy about Ismael being laid off because of his hard work and dedication to his job. Susan told Ismael about a position where her father worked needed to be filled. The next day Ismael and his roommate went to Susan's father's house in Wellesley. They then went on a tour around the property. After touring the property, Ismael met the owners of the Estate, Walter Hunnwell and Luisa Hunnewell. They gave him the oppertunity to work on the Estate.
  • Transportation Difficulties

    Transportation Difficulties
    Ismael did not have a car at the time but shared a car with his roommates but he could not use the car all day because they also needed the car. Due to the transportation problem, Ismael told Mr Hunnewell at the end of the week he could not work on the estate anymore. On that following monday, Ismael began working at a company called Universal Aluminum in Marlborough.
  • New job

    New job
    Ismael worked at Universal Window and Door for about 6 weeks.
  • Returned to Mexico

    Returned to Mexico
    Ismael returned to Mexico to visit his family he hadn't seen in about 2 years. He stayed in Mexico for about 4 months.
  • Return to the USA

    Return to the USA
    Ismael left his hometown, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico on april 6th and traveled to Los Angeles, Ca. From LA he flew to Massachusets and arrived to Marlborough on the 8th of April, 1992. Ismael had left Mexico knowing that his wife Lorena was expecting a child in about 7 months. He went back to the US to save money to support his family.
  • Ismael's return to the Hunnewell Estate

    Ismael's return to the Hunnewell Estate
    On the 8th of April, Ismael contacted Mrs Hunnewell to ask if there was a position open for him. She had told him there was and to come down to chip tree branches and discuss the hours he could work.
  • Eduardo

    Ismael's first son was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  • New beginning

    New beginning
    After about a year and 7 months, Ismael's wife and his son Eduardo came to the United States. Ismael's boss had given him the opertunity to live on the estate with his family on one of the houses that were unoccuppied.
  • Juan

    Ismael's second son was born in Wellesley, MA, USA.
  • Mariana

    Ismael's first daughter and last child was born in Framingham, MA, USA.
  • Mr Hunnewell's death

    Mr Hunnewell's death
    Mr Hunnewell was a very important person in Ismael's life because of all of the things he learned from working with him. To this day Ismael still uses the things he learned from Mr Hunnewell as a person and is very grateful for the oppertunity he gave Ismael.
  • Ismael and his family today

    Ismael and his family today
    To this day, Ismael lives in Wellesley, MA, on the Hunnewell Estate with his oldest son, Eduardo who is a senior at UCONN in Connecticut, and his other son Juan who is a freshman in college who attends Umass boston, and his daughter Mariana who is a Junior at Wellesley High School, and his wife Lorena. Ismael Has worked on the Hunnewell Estate for about 23 years, and despite the sacrifices of being separated from his family, he is now happy with having his own growing family.