The First Expedition
( including some parts of the year that he wasn't voyaging, ) Preparing, Matthew Flinders soon starts first expedition, on the H.M.S. Reliance, heading towards Kangaroo Island from Cape Leeuwin. -
Sailing to Tasmania
Months before, he sailed to Port Jackson, now heading to Tasmania to circle it and map it's coast. -
Tasmania Arrival
Around this time, he has circled Tasmania now, H.M.S. slightly rotting. -
Returning to England
Heading back to England, he and his crew are fullfilled of their journey and achievment. -
Almost There
The boat leaking, he is roughly in the Atlantic Ocean, nearing England. -
Family & Friends
Arriving earlier this year, Matthew has met the woman of his love, and plan a wedding in April next year, also receiving notice of his next expedition roll. -
Second Expedition
On April 17 he gets married to Anne Chappelle. Also prepares for his next expedition and sets sail to Cape Leeuwin on H.M.S. Investigator. -
To Cape York
Bypassing Port Jackson, the crew begins to sail to Cape York, the highest point of their journey. -
Ending the Circumnavigation
Boradening the route by sailing further from the coast, Matthew has past Timor, where they repair the boat. Heading back to Port Jackson to refill supplies, they soon set sail to England on the Cumberland. -
Ile de France Visit
Around this time Matthew Flinders was sailing back to England on the Cumberland, stopping for repairs on Ile de France ( Muaritius ), but the French had mistaken the Cumberland for the Investigator, and imprisioned the crew for 6.5 years. -
Unexpected Timespan
Even by one year Matthew and his crew were suprised by the one year stay, but they weren't prepared for 5.5 years ahead of them. -
Diary Entries
This event was when Matthew Flinders would write in his diary most. He wrote things such as '...praying to be released...' and wishes to see civilisation again. '...the miserable anniversary of my imprisionment in this island, completeting the fourth year...' -
4th Year
Nothing much was heard from Matthew this year, not even in his diaries. He bacame dormant for a while. Back in England, he was slowly getting forgotten. -
5th Anniversary
'...it is five years since general De Caen made me prisioner...' -
Final Fatal Year
'...it is six years today since my unfortunate arrival on this island. God grant that it may be the last anniversary I see in this place...' -
Granted Wish
By this time Mathew was freed of the wrath of imprisionment, the British taking over the island and saving him. His wish was granted, and the worst was over. -
Concluding Years
The last four years of Matthew Flinders life were quite sad, although he was with his family and young daughter ( Ann Petrie ) he was till sickly and forgotten by others. He wrote his last book, 'A Voyage to Terra Australis, Undertaken for the Purpose of Completing the Discovery of that Vast Country and Prosecuted in the Years 1801, 1802, and 1803.' The day right after the publishment of this book, he died.