Marquis de lafayette 2

Marquis de Lafayette

  • Birth Date

    Birth Date
    Lafayette's father died when he was very young. Soon after his death, he and his mother moved to Paris with their Grandparents. His mother died in 1770 when Lafayette was only 13. His parents left him with an immense fortune that soon made him one of the wealthiest men in France.
  • Lafayette's Father Dies

    Lafayette's Father Dies
    Lafayette's father passed away when Lafayette was only 2 years old.
  • Lafayette's Mother Dies

    Lafayette's mother died at the age of 33 in 1770. When he was 13.
  • Marriage

    He married Adrienne de Noailles in 1774. They would soon have 4 children together. Washington, Virginia, Gen (Henriette), and Anastasie.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    This war was the reason why Lafayette had come to America in the first place. It was against the British Colonies for freedom and independence.
  • Arrival in America

    Arrival in America
    He arrived in Pennslyvania in 1777 (first arrived in North Carolina) and overcame many obstacles. At that time, France was still a neutral country during the American Revolution. He met Washington at the City Tavern to get his commission as Major General. The two become good friends, and Washington accepts him as we would his son.
  • Period: to

    The French Revolution

    The monarchs had been spending their money on many frivolous things and did not care about the citizens of France. The people started this revolution because they wanted freedom from their king/queen. Napoleon Bonaparte was the new leader after the Revolution.
  • Lafayette Flees France

    Lafayette Flees France
    Lafayette flees France and goes to Belgium, where he is then captured and turned over to Austria. He was captured because it was thought that he was against the revolution in France. Lafayette claims American Citizenship, but officials ignore him. Soon his wife and two daughters are also captured.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    A man named Maximilien Robespierre "saves" France from the revolution by executing anyone who was even under a little suspicion about being against the Revolution. He was soon executed when the people became afraid of him. This was why Lafayette was in prison.
  • Pardoned from Prison

    Pardoned from Prison
    Lafayette's family was released on Sept. 19, 1797, except for his son, George Washington Lafayette, who had stayed with Gen. Their release happened because many American envoys, James Monroe, and Gouveneur Morris had helped negotiate his release a year before.
  • Death

    The Great General was buried, as he had wished, on American Soil that he had gotten from his tour to America a few years ago. He was buried in a cemetery on the outskirts of Paris. He died at the age of 76 from pneumonia.