The birth of Manuel Noriega
Manuel Noriega was born on February 11, 1934 in panama city panama. His family is a mixed heritage of Spanish, Native american, and African. -
Living with god mother
Manuel Noriega had one brother .His mother died when he was a child By tuberculosis. He was razed by his godmother in a one room apartment. -
Manuel in school
1945 During his time in school he met his brother. His brother was luis Manuel moved in with his brother. Later on his brother introduced him into politics. -
National guard
Manuel Noriega went into the national guard in September 1962 with a degree in engineering. He went to panama and got into the panama national guard. -
CIA dirty cop
Manuel was a CIA asset he helped the U.S in many thing and helped
Many agencies in investigations. Manuel was paid by the CIA in 1970. Manuel was a dirty cop and did many things under the CIA's nose -
Manuel in the 1980s was in narcotics trafficking. He started money laundering into the U.S. Manual also ordered a raid on a cocaine factory -
law 20
In 1984 Rather than becoming president he wanted to stay back. He made people pass law 20. He became the chief of staff for the national guard. -
Taking him in
in March 1988, the U.S. government entered into negotiations with Noriega seeking his resignation. The U.S found out about the drugs and was to take Manuel into the prison. -
In 1989 Manuel encouraged the election again. He had good ties with the U.S and that is how he did it.They suspected he had ties with drugs. -
death by stroke
Manuel Noriega died May 29, 2017 in Hospital Santos Tomas, -Panama City, Panama due to a hemorrhagic stroke.