Wait, when did she die?
At the beginning of the book, Meursault isn't sure exactly when his mom died, which shows his lack of emotional connection even to someone as important as his mother. The meticulous list of what and when Meursault will do to get to the funeral rather than on his mother's death reveals Meursault's focus on the physical and concrete aspects of life instead of on forging emotional connections with his fellow humans. -
When Meursault second-guesses his urge to smoke in front of his mother's coffin, it shows that he does consider what society's perception fo him is; however, he overrides this contemplation with the justification that it "doesn't matter". He follows his own urges and takes care of his own physical needs prior to pleasing people around him or conforming to social norms. -
Meursault is unsure of his mother's age when asked by one of the undertaker's men. Age is a detail that most people pay acute attention to, but his lack of doing so doemonstrates that he does not place importance on things unless he truly believes in them. Others may dwell on such things because it is "standard", but he seems to move beyond this. -
He had to put her in a home because he didn't have enough money, and it didn't seem like that big of a deal to him. In contrast to Salomano and his dog, who rubs his dog with oil on a daily basis and is really upset when the dog runs away. Mersault is so disconnected from how he feels emotionally, which seems to blatantly standout beside Salamano, who even though he seems to hate his dog, still obviously cares a great deal about its well-being. -
When Meursault is talking to his lawyer about Maman's funeral, he makes the excuse that he was tired and so cannot be held accountable for any of his actions. He does not express saddness, but does say that he would be embarassed if he had had to ask if someone else was sad. He knows what he SHOULD do, but instead he just acts on his own physical urges, and doesn't think much of it. He doesn't think about how this may make him look in the future. He just thinks in the present. -
Why fiancee?...
While in jail, Meursault realizes that Maman "played at" having a new relationship with Perez. It was a way to make herself happy looking back on the rest of her life. By the same token, he realizes how trul;y happy he was in his life before being in jail because he was a free man and could do as he pleased. Only by comparing better times to his cuirrent situation does Meursault see how good he had it.